Honey Glazed Carrots Recipe (Vegan Option) - We're Parents (2024)

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This Honey Glazed Carrots Recipe will have even the pickiest of veggie eaters enjoying the sweet taste of glazed baby carrots. Pair this simple side dish with almost any main course for a quick and simple dinner.

Honey Glazed Carrots Recipe (Vegan Option) - We're Parents (1)

These glazed baby carrots changed my whole outlook on carrots. Originally, I had a variation of them at a friends house. Even though I was reluctant to try them, I still did and I’m so thankful for that. It’s one of the most simple side dish recipes that you can find, taking just about 10-12 minutes to make from start to finish. These honey glazed baby carrots are the perfect side dish for almost any meal you could plan.

There’s also a variation of these honey glazed baby carrots in case you or someone you are serving is vegan or plant based. In order to make vegan glazed carrots, we make a quick swap and it takes the same amount of time.

Honey Glazed Carrots Recipe (Vegan Option) - We're Parents (2)

What ingredients do you need for Honey Glazed Carrots Recipe?

In order to make this simple and delicious honey glazed carrots recipe, you’re going to need just 7 ingredients. What is great about that is that 3 of them are spices that you likely already have on hand and make this simple side dish even easier. These brown sugar glazed carrots are literally perfect for the pickiest of eaters, including those little ones.

The ingredients that you need for these honey glazed carrots are:

  • baby carrots
  • cinnamon
  • coconut oil
  • brown sugar
  • honey
  • salt
  • pepper

I know many people don’t think of salt and pepper going with something that has cinnamon and honey in it, but trust me this glazed baby carrots recipes will be one of your favorite recipes.

I am vegan. How do I make these into vegan glazed carrots?

Since writing this recipe, we are now vegan/plant based. Because of that, I now more fully understand the need of people adhering to this type of lifestyle and their dietary needs. Luckily, this honey glazed baby carrots recipe, is insanely easy to swap to make into vegan glazed carrots. In fact, I even have two options for you depending on your preferences.

The only swap that you need to make to this brown sugar glazed carrot recipe in order to make vegan is to swap out the honey. You can make the swap by using either agave or maple syrup. If using agave, you don’t need to make any other changes, follow the directions as written. If you are using maple syrup, because it is less sticky, you should cook for an extra 2-3 minutes so the flavors can develop a bit longer.

Honey Glazed Carrots Recipe (Vegan Option) - We're Parents (3)

I’m allergic to coconut. How can I make this a Top 8 Allergy Friendly recipe?

If you need to swap out the coconut oil because of an allergy for this honey glazed carrots recipe, all you need to do is replace it, in the same quantity, with a similar cooking oil. If you are looking for a coconut oil substitute for these glazed baby carrots, I suggest grapeseed or sunflower oil. However, any oil, or even butter (dairy free if needed) will work. It will change the taste slightly, so we do recommended replacing something that is mild, even slightly sweet, that won’t be very strong.

How to Make Glazed Carrots

Honey glazed baby carrots are such an easy side dish recipe to make. If you are short on time, you will definitely love trying to make this recipe. Simply melt coconut oil into a pan on medium high heat. Once you’ve done that, add in your carrots. Cook the carrots for 5 minutes. Then, add in salt and pepper to taste, along with cinnamon, honey, and brown sugar. Continue cooking until the carrots are fork tender. Then done! It’s seriously that simple.

Watch us make these honey glazed carrots with a delicious Honey Citrus Salmon in under 30 minutes!

What main dish pairs well with honey glazed carrots?

These honey glazed baby carrots are the perfect side dish for a wide variety of dinners. While the carrots themselves take just a few minutes to make, they pair well with quick or elaborate dinner ideas that you could make. Whether you are throwing dinner in the instant pot or creating an intricate meal, this easy baby carrots recipe is the perfect dish for you.

Honey Glazed Carrots Recipe (Vegan Option) - We're Parents (4)

Honey Glazed Carrots Recipe

Prep Time

2 mins

Cook Time

10 mins

Total Time

12 mins

This Honey Glazed Carrots Recipe will have even the pickiest of veggie eaters enjoying the sweet taste of glazed baby carrots. Pair this simple side dish with almost any main course for a quick and simple dinner.

Course:Side Dish


Keyword:side dish, vegetable dish

Servings: 8 people

Calories: 62 kcal

Author: Larisha Campbell


  • 1tbspcoconut oil (swap if tree nut allergy - see notes)
  • 1lbbaby carrots
  • 2 tbspbrown sugar
  • 2 tbsphoney(swap with agave or maple syrup if veagn *See post notes)
  • 1tspcinnamon
  • salt and peper,to taste


  1. Melt coconut oil over medium heat in a large skillet.

  2. Once melted, add in baby carrots. Stir to coat with the coconut oil. Let cook for 3 minutes.

  3. Add in remaining ingredients and stir well.

  4. Reduce heat to medium low and cook carrots for an additional 7-9 minutes or until carrots are easily pierced with a fork.

  5. Remove from heat and serve.

Recipe Notes

**Nutritional facts are just estimates. Please utilize your own brand nutritional values to double check against our estimates.

Nutrition Facts

Honey Glazed Carrots Recipe

Amount Per Serving (0.25 cup)

Calories 62Calories from Fat 9

% Daily Value*

Fat 1g2%

Saturated Fat 1g6%

Sodium 45mg2%

Potassium 134mg4%

Carbohydrates 12g4%

Fiber 1g4%

Sugar 9g10%

Vitamin A 7820IU156%

Vitamin C 1.5mg2%

Calcium 24mg2%

Iron 0.5mg3%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Pin this Honey Glazed Baby Carrots Recipe for later!

Honey Glazed Carrots Recipe (Vegan Option) - We're Parents (6)

*This post was originally published on 8/13/2018. Text updated to add a vegan version.

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Honey Glazed Carrots Recipe (Vegan Option) - We're Parents (2024)
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