Soar over Cappadocia's fairy chimneys in a special hot air balloon - Mastercard (2024)

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Soar over Cappadocia's fairy chimneys in a special hot air balloon - Mastercard (2)


    Language: English Soar over Cappadocia's fairy chimneys in a special hot air balloon - Mastercard (3)

    Currency: USD - $ Soar over Cappadocia's fairy chimneys in a special hot air balloon - Mastercard (4)



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Soar over Cappadocia's fairy chimneys in a special hot air balloon - Mastercard (12)

Soar over Cappadocia's fairy chimneys in a special hot air balloon - Mastercard (13)

Feel the magic of riding on a cloud in a spacious glide, receive local artisan goods and gift trees


The Experience

Board on the exclusive Mastercard Flight in a hot air balloon, offering more basket space for each passenger, over Cappadocia's "fairy chimneys." Start your unforgettable day with an early morning pickup from your hotel to the flight area for a specially prepared breakfast. Then, you'll set off to float high above the region's rocky pillars—awe-inspiring natural wonders—and have access to a Polaroid camera to snap instant photos with incredible backdrops. You'll receive a complimentary gift box containing artisanal souvenirs crafted by local artists that will keep you warm in the air and remind you of this incredible day, and after the one-hour flight you'll be awarded a medal and special certificate as you sip champagne at your landing ceremony. At the end of it all, your operator will drop you back at your hotel. Your magical flight will also contribute to Priceless Planet Coalition and three trees will be donated and planted. Exclusively for Mastercard cardholders.


Floating freely through the air as you marvel at Cappadocia's fairy tale land while snapping forever selfies with your crew.

The highlights

  • Take the Mastercard Flight over Cappadocia in a hot-air balloon, with hotel pickup and drop off
  • Have more basket space than ordinary flights
  • Enjoy a special breakfast before your flight
  • Get a gift box of souvenirs and goods crafted by local artists
  • Receive a medal and certificate and sip champagne at a post-flight landing ceremony
  • Appreciate knowing that your experience includes the donating and planting of three new trees to our planet


  • Priceless experiences are reserved for Mastercard cardholders
  • Experience is valid for participants 6 years and older
  • Purchasing cardholder must be age 18 years or older, but the experience can be purchased for participants younger than 18 years of age
  • An adult must accompany all participants under the age of 18
  • Experience is valid until 31 December 2028
  • Experience is recommended to be booked at least 1 month in advance
  • Price listed is for 1 person
  • The flight is available for a maximum of 16 passengers
  • Guests can book the Mastercard Flight via Butterfly Balloons' website
  • Guests may purchase up to 4 passengers
  • The flight is operated by Butterfly Balloons, Mastercard assumes no guarantee or liability in respect of the experience
  • By participating, you agree to all our Terms of Use
  • Terms & Conditions

Fine Print

  • This experience is non-refundable upon purchase, unless otherwise noted

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'); if ($.trim(selector) !== '') { var id = 'error_div_' + selector.replace('#', '').replace('.', '').replace(' ', ''); $error.attr('id', id); } $input.parent().append($error); } $error.html(msg).show(); $input.attr('aria-invalid', true).attr('aria-describedby', $error.attr('id')); if (! aria_live_shown) { aria_live_shown = true; $error.attr('aria-live', 'polite'); $input.focus(); } } } $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } else if (data.result === 3) { // Email is already being used, please Log In /* $("#nav .js-login").click(); // added #nav to log pageview once for desktop and mobile $("#login-email").val(email).show(); $("#login-pass").focus(); $("#login_error").html(data.msg).show(); resetRecaptcha('signup'); */ alertEx('email already used'); $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } /* else if (false && data.result === 14) { // for countreis like germany, needs email verification // directly go to next step if (signup_collectCardOnSignUp) { var postData = {action : 'submitSignupCCForm_save_card', payUrl:data.payUrl}; $('#signup_cc_iframe')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(postData), '*'); } else { signup_goto_next_step(); } //var message = "Please verify your email."; //alertEx(message); //$(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } */ else if (data.result > 0) { //signup_goto_next_step(); var j = get_next_step_index_by_step_id('signup_form'); $('.signup_stepicon_index_'+ (j-1)).addClass('done'); signup_goto_step(j); if (data.requiresEmailVerification == 1) { $('.done_header_div').addClass('email_verification').removeClass('no_email_verification'); $('.signup_stepicon_done .signup_stepicon_text ').html("Thank You"); } else { $('.done_header_div').addClass('no_email_verification').removeClass('email_verification'); $('.signup_stepicon_done .signup_stepicon_text').html("Done"); } $('.ifonly_pop_close_img').click(function(e){ var redirectUrl = $("#redirectURL").val().trim(); var url_regex = /^(http|https)/; if (url_regex.test(String(redirectUrl).toLowerCase())) { redirectUrl = ''; // do not allow redirect to other site } location.href = redirectUrl; }); signup_form_submitted(data); } else { if (data.error_code == 'sess_exp') { alertEx("Session expired. Page will be refreshed."); window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = g_is_mobile ? '/m' : '/'; }, 5000); } else if (data.msg) { alert(data.msg); } else { alert('register error'); } } }).fail( function(xhr, textStatus, error) { if (g_thisHost === 'www') { location.reload(); } else if (g_thisHost==='dev' || g_thisHost==='test') { alert_error("Error in _streamlined_signup_form register
status:" + textStatus + "
error:" + error + "

" + xhr.responseText); } else { confirmEx("Please refresh and try again." + ' ' + "If you continue to receive this error please contact priceless\u2122 concierge." + '

It will automatically refresh the page in LIVE.
(' + textStatus + ' - ' + xhr.statusText + ')', 'User Signup Error', function(){location.reload();}, function(){loadingAnimation("hide");}, "Refresh", "Close"); console.log(xhr); } $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); }); return false; } // data: data returned form register ajax call function signup_form_submitted(data){ console.log('signup form submitted successfully'); // adobe tracking 1.10 var adobeTracking = {ctaName: 'Sign up - Completed'}; if (g_withMcCompleteRegistrationForm) { adobeTracking['ctaName'] = 'Sign up Completed – Long Form'; } if (data.cardTypeName) { adobeTracking['cardType'] = data.cardTypeName; } adobeSatelliteTracking('Forms', adobeTracking); // Need to make callback since we NOW have emailAddress and userId // emailAddress and userId are needed for BlueShift if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.emailAddress && data.userId) { trackingSignupConfirmation(data.emailAddress, data.userId); } if (addGuestProductToCart()) return false; // if need to add a guest product (main.js) /* if (g_sourceId === 0 && g_register_result.result === 1) { // display thank you when it's new user g_signup_timer = 5000; // need more time to read message if (g_register_result.loginExistingUser) { g_signup_timer = 0; } else { var showEmailCrm = false; if (showEmailCrm && $('#pricelessProgram').prop('checked')) { g_signup_timer = 60 * 60 * 1000; // one hour show_ifonly_overlay('.email_crm_overlay'); $('.email_crm_overlay').attr('continu_signup_process', '1'); } else{ showThankYouPopIfNecessary(); } } } */ var redirectUrl = $("#redirectURL").val().trim(); var url_regex = /^(http|https)/; if (url_regex.test(String(redirectUrl).toLowerCase())) { redirectUrl = ''; // do not allow redirect to other site } /* g_signup_timer = 5000; if (g_register_result!==null && ! empty(g_register_result.terms)) { showMemberTermsAndPrivacyDialog(redirectUrl, g_register_result.terms, g_register_result.termsTranslatedText); return false; } else if (redirectUrl !== '' && redirectUrl !== '#') { setTimeout(function() { location.href = redirectUrl; }, g_signup_timer); } else { setTimeout(function() { location.reload(); }, g_signup_timer); } */ } function signup_syncCCIframeSize() { if ($('#signup_cc_iframe').length > 0) { var postData = {action : 'syncCCIframeSize'}; $('#signup_cc_iframe')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(postData), '*'); } } function resetCCform() { if ($('#signup_cc_iframe').length > 0) { var postData = {action: 'resetCCform'}; $('#signup_cc_iframe')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(postData), '*'); $('.signup_cc_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); } } function resetSignupForm() { g_signup_cc_saved = false; $('#redesignedSignupForm .error_div').hide(); $('#redesignedSignupForm input:not([type=hidden]), #redesignedSignupForm select').val(''); $('.signup_cc_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); $('.signup_form_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); $('.mc_priceless_check').prop('checked', false); } function resetStepIcon() { $('.signup_stepicon').removeClass('done').removeClass('current'); } // ************** listen to message from the iframe ************************ if (typeof(signup_redesign_js_loaded)=='undefined') { signup_redesign_js_loaded = true; window.addEventListener("message", function(e){ if (e.origin !== '') return; try { var data = jQuery.parseJSON(; } catch(err) { return; } if (data.action === 'signup_cc_saved') { console.log('signup_cc_saved received'); g_signup_cc_saved = true; //signup_goto_next_step(); var j = get_next_step_index_by_step_id('verify_card'); $('.signup_stepicon_index_'+ (j-1)).addClass('done'); signup_goto_step(j); } else if (data.action === 'signup_cc_save_called') { if (! g_signup_cc_saved) { $('.signup_cc_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); } $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } else if (data.action === 'alert_session_timeout') { alertEx("Session expired. Page will be refreshed."); window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = g_is_mobile ? '/m' : '/'; }, 5000); } // event handlers else if (data.action === 'resize_signup_cc_iframe') { if (data.height) { var $target = $('#signup_cc_iframe'); if( !== undefined && $.trim( !== '' && $.trim( !== '.' && $.trim( !== '#'){ $target = $(; } //$target.attr('style', 'min-height: ' + data.height + 'px; max-height: ' + data.height + 'px;'); $target.css('min-height', data.height ); $target.css('height', data.height ); $target.css('max-height', 'none'); } } }); }

Soar over Cappadocia's fairy chimneys in a special hot air balloon - Mastercard (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.