The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

the Sandlots the Sandlots The Dormont Nine Faces Robinson in G- Tilt ment weather, hopes to pick up games are scheduled. Meeting for the first time District Teams Set Up Full Schedule And Hope There'll Be No Washout The Greater Pittsburgh baseball league, retarded by incle- some speed tonight when three this season, Dormont clashes with Robinson Legion at Burkett Field, Moon Run, in G-P tilts show Neville Island lining the program. The at Bellevue and Terrace Village opposing the East End Merchants at Mellon Field. Dormont has appeared in only one contest, a 3-3 tie with Terrace Village. Elliott Seeks Revenge The Elliott Athletics will try to avenge Monday's 3-1 defeat in battling Holy Trinity at Herschel Field in South Hills loop rivalry tonight.

Miller Chevrolet faces an important home test with 18th Ward at Olympia Park, bit. Washington. Holy Trinity, beaten only by Sto-Ken-Rox, 8-4, seeks its fourth victory trying to remain among the front-runners. a Elliott aims for its second triumph, losing only to Holy Trinity and staging a 5-5 opentie with Willock. The Millers can tighten the race by winning over 18th Ward, the league's 1953 champion.

North Side Action Two standout clubs- Highway Motors and Moose 47- meet at Fineview Field in important North Side League action this evening. Moose is away to a good start in this revamped league and aims for its fourth straight victory second in a row over Highway Motors besides their earlier 4-4 tie. Highway Motors aims for its second win. Carrick at 31st Ward Seeking its second victory 31st Ward entertains the Carrick Brentwood Legion at the Continental Can Field in tonight's South Hills section game of the City-County circuit. This is their first meeting of the campaign with the Legion squad trying for its second win against a 7-2 setback by Beechview Legion.

Royals Go to Aspinwall St. Boniface meets Immaculate Heart at West Penn Park in the Universal League. The Allegheny County loop shows Pittsburgh Royals at Aspinwall Veterans and Typos meeting Hazelwood at Burgwin Park. South Side Merchants entertains Mal Lee in Hill Top action at the Quarry grounds. In the Keystone loop, Ingomar plays Bloomfield at Dean Park and Lawrenceville Bisons are hosts to Cavaliers at Leslie Park.

The Tri loop has Springdale visiting Wilkinsburg and Oakmont at home with Tarentum. -By PAUL A. KURTZ The Minors Wednesday, May 12, 1954 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION W. Pet. W.

Pet. Indnpolls 18 7.720 Minnpolis 11 13.458 Louisville 15 10 .600 Columbus 9 13.409 Kan. 13 10 .565 Chariston 10 15.400 St. Paul. 11 12.478 Toledo.

8 15.348 YESTERDAY Indianapolis 3.... Kansas City Charleston Minneapolis 9. Toledo Louisville 3... St. Paul TODAY Columbus Indianapolis.

Charleston at City. Louisville at St. Paul. Toledo at Minneapolis. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION L.

Pet. W. L. Pet. W.

19 12.613 L. Rock, 12 15 12 .556 Mobile Orins. 17 14.548 Memphis. 14 15 14.517 Nashville 10 YESTERDAY Birmingham 8. Mobile 9.

Nashville Rock Atlanta games scheduled. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. W.

L. 12 4 .750 Toronto, 12 7.632 Montreal, 9 7.563 Ottawa. 10 10.500 Richmnd. 6 YESTERDAY 4.... Syracuse games, rain.

TODAY Montreal at Ottawa. Toronto Rochester. Buffalo Havana. Syracuse Richmond. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE W.

L. Pet. W. L. 21 15 .583 Seattle, 18 18 20 16 .556 Portland.

17 19 16.543 Los Angis 18 Diego 18 17 .514 Sn Frncsc 11 24 YESTERDAY Sacramento 8... 7. Oakland Francisco Angeles OTHER RESULTS EASTERN LEAGUE 7. Schenectady 3.... Wilkes -Barre Other games rain.

PONY LEAGUE 6... Hamilton Other games rain. TEXAS LEAGUE 5. 5... San Antonio Other games rain.

SOFTBALL GAMES CARDED TONIGHT Commercial-Industrial League-Matthews at Kaufmann's. Monument Hill Field. Byers at Federal Reserve, Schenley Oval: Zimmer Auto at Pgh. Plate Glass, Fort Pitt ground. Metro League---Avans at Lucante's Tavern.

Kennard Field, 9 p. m. East Liberty Church League--Third U. P. at Third Presbys, Schenley No.

2 Field; St. Paul vs. First P. Gladstone Field: Fourth U. P.

First West Penn Park (9 p. Coraopolis League- Groveton Firemen at SSS Local 209, Neville Field: Wonder Bar at Berardi's Lounge, Lewis Field; Boulevard Cate at GBU, Forgings Field. Peh. Amateur League (Industrial League) -Penna. R.

R. at Mine Safety, Westinghouse Field; National Union at Krogers, Washington Boulevard; United Engineering WHY a Vegetable Laxative is better for CONSTIPATION Vegetable laxatives are much better for you than harsh, jolting ones. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purevegetable formula. They give you a complete cleaning out yet are so gentle, Olive Tablets give more 'natural-like' bowel movements.

No griping! No purging! No sudden inconvenience! Take one or two tonight to give complete satisfaction at the desired time in the morning. a Scholastic Roundup City Golfers Vie For State Finals Saturday Tourney To Fill Four Berths A new champion, succeeding Edward Taylor Allderdice High, will deterLeague's 17th annual tourat the City, High nament starting at 8 a. m. Saturday at Schenley Park. This will be 18-holes medal play.

re four scorers will represent Pittsburgh (Dist. 8) in the PIAA's 20th annual state golf tourney at Penning State University, May 28 and 29. Tapper, with 78, was the District 8 titlist last season. Allderdice Hopes By PAUL A. KURTZ There's a strong possibility another Allderdice golfer will be the City League titlist from the entries that have been diricted to Ted Abel, assistant director of physical education.

Stuart Holtzman, a senior, was runnerup last season to Tapper with 79 strokes. He also was the junior champion at Baldoc last season. But in the recent 'Allderdice qualifying meet, conducted by Coach John H. Irwin, Holtzman finished in fifth position for the coming tourney. Golomb Top Qualifier Leading the qualifiers were Robert Golomb, junior, with 76; Ted Lipchick, a senior, 78; Stanley Schmidt, junior 80; and Jack Monchick, sophom*ore, 81.

Boys, finishing in the fifth and sixth positions Saturday will be District 8 alternates to the state tournament. Abel also is handling entries for the City League's qualify. ing tennis tournament scheduled for 2 p. m. Monday at the Monument Hill courts, North Side.

He will accept entries for the singles and doubles until tomorrow afternoon. The singles and doubles ners represent District 8 in the state's tennis championships at State College, May 28 and 29. Carrick Relay Choice The Carrick High squad is favored to repeat as the champion in the fourth annual Relay Carnival, presented by the City League, at the Oliver High; stadium, North Side, tomorrow. Coach Ralph Zahniser's Carrick Prancers have won the Relays championship three straight years since the Carni-1 val was started. Allderdice is expected to prove the toughest opposition for Carrick.

Changes in WPIAL Sec. 3 golf schedule have Carnegie and Avonworth meeting tomorrow afternoon at Shannopin, and, Avonworth playing West View a crucial match at Highland and Friday afternoon. St. Michaels Seeks No. 7 The County invitational field meet was Beaver, scheduled for this afternoon at the Ambridge High Stadium.

Trying to repeat as baseball champion of the Catholic League, St. Michael High aimed for its seventh straight victory in playing St. George at the Quarry Field this afternoon while St. Justin and St. Thomas met at Edgar Thomson Park, Braddock.

SANDLOT BASEBALL GAMES TONIGHT Greater Pgh. League---Neville Island at Bellevue, Field: Terrace Village at East End Merchants. Mellon Field: Dormont at Robinson Legion, Burkett Field, Moon Run. South Hills League--Holy Trinity at ElHott. Herschel Field; 18th Ward at Miller Chevrolet, Olympia Park.

North Side League Highway Motors at Moose 47, Fineview Field. City-County League (South Hills Section) -Carrick-Brentwood Legion at 31st Ward, Continental Can Field. Tri-County League--Springdale at Wilkinsburg: Tarentum at Oakmont. Universal League--St. Boniface at Immaculate Heart, West Penn Park.

Allegheny Co. League- Pgh. Royals at Asinwall Vets; Pgh. Typo at Hazelwood. Burgwin Park.

Hill Top -Mal Lee at South Side Merchants, Quarry Field. Keystone League -Ingomar at Bloomfield. Dean Field; Cavaliers at Lawrenceville Bisons, Leslie Park. Eastern Co. League eville at Camp Joan: Pitcairn at Penn Renton at Wendell Herminie: Ardara at Westmoreland City; South Trafford at Murrysville.

Halfback Goes North MONTREAL, May 12-Larry Grigg, star University of Oklahoma halfback, signed today with the Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian Big Four football conference. (Advertisem*nt) Miracle Cushion Holds False Teeth Tight and Firm Eases Sore Gums Sang Denture Cushions are a triumph science, sensational new plastic we-lining that gets rid of the annoyance and irritation of loose, badly fitting false teeth. Snug eases sore, irritated gums due to loose fitting dentures. Applied in few minutes, makes the wobbliest plates stay firmly in place- gives perfect comfort. Eat corn-on-the-cob, steaks, apples--talk, laugh you please- plates "stay firmly, solidly.

Harmless to gums or dentures. Snug re-liners can last from 2 to months. Stays soft and pliable -does not harden and ruin plate. Peels right out when replacement needed. No daily bother with adhesives.

Get Snug Denture Cushions today! 2 liners for upper or lower plates $1.50. Money back not satisfied. The Pittsburgh Press WANT-AD HEADQUARTERS Boulevard of the Allies At Junction of Liberty Ave. COUNTER SERVICE From 8 a. m.

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There are 5 average words in a line of agate type. Ads using type larger than agate are charged on the agate line basis. The rate is 36c per agate line dally, 39c per agate line including Sunday for 7 consecutive days, less 5 for cash. Ads ordered 4. to 6 consecutive days are charged at the rate of 39c per agate line daily, 42c per agate line Including Sunday, less for cash.

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226 Station St AMBRIDGE R. 833 Merchant 'st. (RearM APOLLO Harvey Bruner, .224 N. Warren Ape, BEAVER Lee Seethaler Frank Theurl. .202 Eleventh St.

Third A 'st. and East' End 'Ave. BEAVER FALLS BELLEVUE Lebro Drug Store. 501 Lincoln Ave. BROOKLINE Brookline News.

.822 Brookline Blvd. BLOOMFIELD Charles M. Tea. .3400 Penn Ave. BRACKENRIDGE Jos.

Forest N. S. BRADDOCK Brenneman Hubacker. 564 Braddock' Ave. BROWNSVILLE John Boyd.

Brownsville News Co. BRIDGEVILLE Welss Bros. .528 Washington Ave. BUTLER William Rentz, care Andy's News. 21 Hansen Ave, CALIFORNIA State Pharmacy.

..242 Wood St. CANONSBURG Walter Clifton. 39 Water St. CARNEGIE Carnegie 202 E. Main St.

CHARLEROI Anthony Iannone. Mon. 940W CORAOPOLIS C. B. 974 Neville St.

DONORA Maurice Levine Donora DUQUESNE HEIGHTS Geo. K. Jelley. .716 Grandview Ave. EAST END Rice Service.

.5929 Broad St. EAST McKEESPORT John E. Hassler. .1114 Argo St. ELLWOOD CITY Ell wood City News .425 Lawrence Ave.

FORD CITY Ford City News Co. .316 Ford St. FOREST HILLS A. J. Richards.

.16 Kenmore Ave. FREEPORT Freeport News .507 High St. GLASSPORT Glassport News. Monongahela Ave, Death Notices BANNON-Tuesday, May 11, 1954. Ann Mitchell, beloved wife of the late Joseph F.

Bannon: mother of Joseph F. Bannon and Mrs. Anna Bigler. Friends received at A. Staab and Sons, 900 Chartiers W.

Pgh. Requiem high mass at St. James' Church Saturday, May 15, 10 a. m. BEARD On Monday, May 10, 1954, Wayne husband of Etta Patterson, father of Mrs.

Clarence J. Geyer, George W. and the late Ethel Powell. Friends received at the Matter Funeral Home. 1133 Church Ambridge.

Services Thursday at 12 noon. Interment Linesville, Fa, BOSWELL- Tuesday evening, May 11, 1954, Howard F. Boswell, 5011 of the late Joseph B. and Emma E. Boswell: brother of Mrs.

Clark M. Kefover, Mrs. Wilson A. Hanna and Helen B. Boswell.

Private funeral services at McDonald's Funeral Home. 529 California Avalon, on Thursday afternoon. May 13. BRADY- Of 923 Lillian town, on Monday, May 10, 1954, Marie Jackson, in her 53rd year, beloved wife of Otto B. Brady; mother of Anna Kozikoski, Mildred Cindrich, Lillian Tassick, Margaret Walters, Otto S.

Edward R. Brady, U.S.N.; daughter of Lawrence Jackson; granddaughter of Catherine Jackson: also survived by four brothers. three sisters and, nine grandchil- Death Notices dren. Friends received at the Funeral Home of John D. Schaub Sons, 425 Brownsville Mt.

Oliver. Funeral on Friday at 9 a. m. Solemn high mass of requiem in St. Canice's Church at 10 a.

m. Interment Loretto Cemetery. BRODIE- On Wednesday morning, May 12, 1954, Tennie Brodie, of 4145 Gittens N. beloved mother of Mrs. Margaret Nestor, Mrs.

Mina Cullinane of Charles Brodie of Niagara Falls: also 2 brothers. 2 sisters, 4 grandchildren. Friends received at The Orion C. Pinkerton Funeral Home. 1014 California Avalon (North Boros).

Notice of funeral time later. BRUNNER -On Monday, May 10, 1954. George, 2907 Cake Way. brother of Mrs. Mary Walz and Henry.

Friends received at the Albert A. Novak Funeral Home, 3313 Brighton Rd. Requiem high mass at St. Leo's Church, Thursday, 9 a. m.

CARISTO-At his late home, Old Pike Moon Run, Agazio Caristo; brother of John Caristo. Friends received at the funeral home of J. Herbert Hershberger Sons, 57 Station Crafton. Requiem mass in Holy Trinity R. C.

Churen, Moon Run, Thursday at 9 a. m. CONLEY Suddenly, on Sunday, May 8. 1954, Thomas father of Mrs. Helen Louise Jancoska: brother of Marie, Lawrence, Regis and Mrs.

Roy C. Hurd. Friends are invited to call at the Leo J. Henney Funeral Home, 323 Second Carnegie. Funeral Thursday with requiem mass at St.

Luke's Church at 9 a. m. DAVIS On Monday, May 10, 1954, at 3 p. Mary Elizabeth Davis, in her 80th year, wife of the late John Davis; survived by one son, Fred Davis; also 1 ter, Mrs. J.

O. Taylor. Friends may call at the Fulton Bradwell Funeral Home. 415 Chartiers Carnegie, where services will be held on Thursday, May 13, at 3 p. m.

May DERBY On Monday morning, 10. 1954, May E. Derby of 170 Bryson Emsworth, mother of Mrs. Clara D. Morris of Emsworth; grandmother of Robert and Eleanor Morris: sister of Mrs.

Jessie Strock of El Paso, Texas. Friends received at McDonald Funeral Home, 529 California Avalon, where services will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. For transportation, call Linden 1-7000. DOBROWOLSKI On Sunday, May 9. 1954.

Stanley of 1135 Stowe Stowe husband of the late Josephine Mruczkowska and father of Ignatius, the late Anna, Mrs. Virginia Kochman, Theodore and Walter: also 21 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Funeral Thursday, May 13, from the Prostko Funeral Home, 715 Island McKees Rocks, at 8:15 a. m. Requiem mass at SS.

Cyril and Methodius R. C. Church at 9 a. m. Friends invited.

DOLAN John J. on Monday. May 10, 1954, husband of Mary Murray; father of Mrs. Jean Ratey, Mrs. Eleanor Platt, Mrs.

Agnes Cillo and Dorothy Dolan: brother of Miss Eleanor Dolan; three grandchildren. Friends received at the O'Toole O'Connor Funeral Home, 5106 Second Hazelwood. Requiem high mass at St. Stephen's Church on Thursday at 9 a. m.

DORAN On Tuesday, May 11, 1954, John E. of 1308 Lincoln husband of Katie Korta: father of Austin E. of Baden, Pa. Friends may call at his late residence until Friday morning, May 11, at 8 a. m.

Solemn high mass of requiem St. Walburga's R. C. Church at 9 m. FAVILLA-May 11, 1954, Eugene, beloved husband of the late Mary Favilla: father of John and brother of Frank, Friends may call at the Morasco Funeral Home, 805 Brushton Ave.

Funeral Friday at 9 a. m. Solemn requiem high mass in the Mother of Good sel Church at 9:30 o'clock. EPPINGER Monday, May 10, 1954 Rujean Fennell of North Bessemer, beloved wife of Howard Eppinger; mother of David and Susan; daughter of Mrs. Christine Fennell.

Friends received at the Elkin Funeral Home, North Bessemer, where services will be held Thursday. May 13, at 2 p. m. Interment Mt. Hope Cemetery.

-Monday, May 10. 1954, Elizabeth, beloved wife of the late Charles F. Fisher: mother of Walter W. Fisher. Friends may call at the Morasco Funeral Home, 805 Brushton where services will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.

m. Dames of Malta Homewood Sisterhood 61 and P. 0. of A. Camp 251 are invited.

HANNA-At Plain Grove, on Wednesday morning, May 12, 1954, Clara Tustin, wife of the late William J. Hanna: mother of Mrs. John Morewood and William T. Hanna; sister of Mrs. Bertha Smith, William Walton and Herbert P.

Tustin. Friends received at the Brandt Funeral Home, 1032 Perry Highway, Perrysville, where services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. HAWKINS-On Monday. May, 10. 1954, Ed.

beloved husband of Anna McMackin Hawkins of 442 Jayson Mt. Lebanon; brother of Mrs. Margaret Heft of Fort Lee. N. Mrs.

Beatrice Sharp, Mrs. Dorothy Taggart and Thomas S. Hawkins of son of the late Charles M. and Franciska Hawkins. Friends received at the Beinhauer Mortuary, 2630 West Liberty Ave, until Friday at 9 a.

m. Solemn requiem high mass in St. Bernard's Church, Mt. Lebanon at 10 a. m.

Friends invited. terment St. Mary's Cemetery, Kees Rocks. HENNIQUAN On Tuesday, May 11, at his residence, 1215 Buena Vista N. Theodore Henniquan beloved husband of Bertha Plumecocq Henniquan; brother of Mrs.

Mary Lefebure, Alex Henico (both of Hasting, also six grandchildren. Friends are being received at Herman Son Chapel, 702 E. Ohio N. where services will be held Friday, May 14, at 2 p. m.

(Pa), papers please copy.J HUFF--On May 11th. Jessie E. Scott, wife of the late Paul J. Huff: mother of Ruth and Welma Huff; sister Geo. Scott, Nellie Forsha.

June Lotz, Janet Rose, May Riggs, Gordon and James Scott. Friends may call at the L. P. Smith Funeral Home, 1615 Brighton where services will be held on Friday at 2 o'clock. HUTTER-On Tuesday, May 11, 1954, Alice Louise Hutter, of 715 5th Coraopolis; mother of Florence Blumling, Mary Lou Whiteaker, Alice, Henry, Joseph, Leo and Leonard Hutter: sister of Mrs.

J. T. McElroy, Mrs. William Sheridan and Mrs. Frederick Ket.

ter; also survived by twelve grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Friends may call at the Copeland Funeral Home (formerly Troxel), 867 Fifth Coraopolis, until Friday at 9:30 a. m. Requiem high mass in St. Joseph's Church at 10 a.

m. JUDGE On Monday, May 10, 1954. Daniel (Dan) Judge of 423 Frieland son of the late Dandel and Catherine Brown Judge: brother of John T. and Mrs. Mary E.

Jack. Friends received at the Joseph Colligan Funeral Home, 608 Warrington Ave. Funeral on Friday, May 14, at 8 a. m. High mass of requiem at St.

Canice's Church at 9 a. m. Friends invited. LAQUATRA -May 10, 1954, Luigi, husband of Mary Ferrara quatra; father of Joseph, James, Jack, Mrs. Jennie Santo and Mrs.

Ida Parise: uncle of Jack Laquatra. Friends received at P. A. Bianco Funeral Home, 825 Western N. S.

Requiem high mass at Regina Coeli Church on Thursday at 10 a. m. LAZORCHIK On Monday, May 10, Julia of 669 Loretta beloved wife of Michael 9r. and mother of Mrs. N.

A. De Gore, Anna, Mary, Emma, Helen, Michael Joseph and Frank: also vived by two grandchildren. Friends received at the Kanal Funeral Home. 500 Greenfeld Ave. Funeral Friday at :8:30 a.

m. with services St. Nicholas Church, Homestead at 9 a. m. LEINROTH- -On Tuesday, at her home.

2543 Magnet Ottilia Huerbin, age 79 years, beloved wife of Frederick Leinroth, mother of Mrs. Edna Nicola, Mrs. Loretta Bumbaugh, Mrs. Helen Ladish, Mrs. Alma Zwick, Mrs.

Marcella Nolle. Frederick, Mrs. Florence Burgunder and Norman: also 12 grandchildren, two great Funeral on Friday, May 14, 1953, at 9 a. m. from Cornelius Pappert's, 2705 East St.

Requiem high mass in St. Boniface Church at 10 o'clock. tian Mothers and friends invited. MAENZ-On Tuesday, May 11, 1954. at 4:10 p.

Margaret E. Maenz (noe Donnelly), wife of the late John H. Maenz, age 63 years, of 327 Groveland Overbrook; mother of Albert and John P. Maenz: also 4 grandchildren: sister of Elizabeth Gedeon, Jack and Mark Donnelly. Friends and members of Rose Chapter 92, 0.

E. Damascus Shrine 1, Ladies Auxillary of Overbrook, V. F. W. and Ladies Auxiliary of D.

S. V. may call at the William C. Hirt Funeral Home, 704 Brownsville Road (at Alice Services Saturday at 2 p. m.

MARUSCAK-Suddenly. May 11, At her residence. 2430 California Elizabeth Maruscak, wife of the late John: mother of Anna Sapp, Elizabeth Stanko. John, Mary Suhanin, Mathilda Wingard, Alex, Joseph. Michael and Rev.

Roland Maruscak. 0. F. 26 grandchildren. 22 great-grandchildren.

Friends received at A. A. Borza and Sons Funeral Home, 2439 California N. S. Funeral on Saturday.

May 15. Solemn requiem high mass at St. Gabriel's R. C. Church at 9 a.

m. Death Notices MARTIN- On May 10, 1954, at Bellevue Suburban Hospital, Arthur Martin, of 4012 Brighton beloved husband of Ella stepfather of Estelle and Edward F. McNally, 8 grandchildren. Funeral from the William Sirlin Colonia! Mortuary, California and Termon on Friday. Requiem high mass in St.

Cyril's Church at 9 a. 111. Allegheny B. P. O.

F. O. E. No. 76 and friends invited.

McCONAGHEY-On Monday, May 10 1954. Rose E. Dunlevy McConaghey, wife of Edward McConaghey. Friends received at the Funeral Home of Grime and Blair, 4520 Penn near Friendship Aves. Services on Thursday at 2:30 p.

m. McNAMARA Monday, May 10, 1954, Thomas T. of 2845 West Carson brother of John of Pgh. and Sarasota, Nellie, Mrs. Marguerite Straney of Weirton, West Gleason (James) of Atlantic City, N.

J. Friends received at McDermott 1225 Chartiers McKees Rocks. Requiem mass at St. James' Church, W. on Thursday, May 13, at 9:30 a.

m. Flowers gratefully declined. MEYER- -At Akron, Ohio, on Monday, May 1954, Annie Meyer, beloved wife of the late Louis Meyer; mother of Mrs. N. L.

Metcur of Akron, Ohio. Dr. Sydney Meyer of New Castle, sister of Joseph Harris of California, Harry Harris of Pittsburgh, Mrs. A. Lapidus of Chicago, Mrs.

Eva Harris of Los Angeles, Mrs. Sophie Gusky of Los Angeles, two grandchildren. Friends ceived at the Ralph Schugar Chapel, 5509 Center where services will be held on Thursday, May 13 at 1 p. m. Interment in Tiphereth Israel Cemetery.

MEYER -On Tuesday, May 11, 1954, Ida Gaertner of 2041 Eggers in her 93rd year, widow of Frederick Meyer; mother of Miss Minnie Meyers and Mrs. Anna Heinz; also survived by six grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. Friends received at the Miller Funeral Home, 1550 Lowrie St. Requiem high mass in Most Holy Name Church on Friday at 10 m. Christian Mothers, L.C.B.A.

No. 105, C.W.U., and friends invited. PAOLINI On Monday, May 10, 1954, Angelo of Box 103 Woodville, Scott husband of Mary Emma; father of Eugene, Chester, Sid, Frank and John. Friends are being received at the Szafranski Funeral Home, 101, 3rd Carnegle, until Thursday 8:30 8. m.

Requiem high mass Our Lady of Grace Church at 9 a. m. PHILLIPS At his home, 121 Mansfield Carnegie, on day, May 10, 1954, at 11:40 a. Harry Phillips; husband of Kathryn Miller, and brother of John L. Phillips.

Friends received at the Fulton and Bradwell Funeral Home, 415 Chartiers Carnegie, where services will be held on Thursday at 2 p. m. Masonic services at 8 p. m. Wednesday.

REDDY- Of 2724 Custer on Monday, May 10. 1954. at 1:40 a. Mary Louise Steiner, beloved wife of Thomas Reddy mother of Mary Lou and Thomas J. Reddy daughter of Christ and Josephine Steiner.

Friends and members of tian Mothers received at the Erny Funeral Home, 2361 Brownsville Carrick. Funeral on Thursdav at 9 a. m. Solemn requiem high mass St. Wendelin's Church at 10 a.

m. ROVNYAK-Suddenly, on Tuesday, May 11, Michael, beloved husband of Catherine Rovnyak, of Verona: father of Catherine and Mariann of Verona; son of Michael and Mary Rovnyak. Friends received at the William J. O'Neill Funeral Home, 210 Allegheny River Oakmont. Requiem high mass at St.

Joseph's R. C. Church on Friday, May 14, at 9 a. m. Interment St.

Joseph's Cemetery. SARNOWSKI (Sarney) -On Sunday, May 9, Stanley F. of 7337 Frankstown son of the late Lucy and John Sarnowski: father of Pearl Rusnak, Gertrude Lindner and Ray Sarney: also three grandchildren: brother of Joseph, John, Walter, Frank, Andrew. Edward, Mary Owsinski, Helen Kotlinski, Cecelia Hinck and Ann Thomas. Funeral from the Verner G.

Lutz Funeral Home. 3600 Penn on Thursday, May 13, at 8 a. m. Requiem high mass at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church at 9 a. m.

Friends invited. SCHMIDT -On Sunday, May 9, 1954, Theresa Kozar, age 73 years, wife of the late George Schmidt, late of 1025 Vinial mother Mrs. Mary Steinmetz; sister of John Kozar: also 5 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. Friends received at the Joseph A. Pappert Sons Funeral Home, 711 Lockhart St.

Funeral on Thursday with requiem high mass at St. Marys Church at 9:15 a. m. SCHWEINSBERG Of Atlanta, on Monday, May 10, 1954, Roberta Henry Schweinsberg, wife of Charles H. Schweinsberg and mother of Charles H.

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry and sister of Sarah Elizabeth, all Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. (formerly of Pittsburgh, Friends ceived at the funeral home of J.

Herbert Hershberger Sons, 57 Station Crafton, on Thursday. Funeral services Thursday at 3 p. m. SHUCK--On Tuesday, May 11, 1954, William C. of 3145 Ashlyn Sheraden; survived by his wife.

Ruby one son, Edgar also five grandchildren and three great Funeral services at the H. L. Speer Funeral Home. 2927 Chartiers den, on Friday at 2 p. m.

SMITH--On Wednesday, at her late Bertha residence, Hanf 7057 wife Campania Smith, of the late James Paul Smith: mother of Mrs. Rita Zellhart, Mrs. Mary Jean Gallaher, Mrs. Patricia Bennett, Paul, Raymond and James Smith: also one sister, Mrs. Barbara Frey.

Funeral on Saturday at 8 a. m. from the Lacy Funeral Home, 418 Lincoln Ave. (near Pgh. Hospital).

Requiem mass in the Corpus Christi R. C. Church at 9 a. m. Interment St.

Mary's Cemetery. Friends invited. TAIT-At Urbana, Ohio, on day, May 10, 1954. Edwin E. Tait, age 103 years, husband of the late Mary J.

Tait and father Miss Rilla B. Tait, formerly of Pch. Friends received at H. Samson's, 537 Neville St. (Oakland Civic Center), Wednesday afternoon and evening and until time of services Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock.

TOMASZEWSKI-On Sunday. May 9. 1954. Helena of 5208 Kincaid widow of Joseph and mother of Ceasar. Mrs.

Ann Budzinski, Mrs. Stella Gelik, Pearl and Edward: also eleven grandchildren and nine -grandchildren. neral on Thursday at 8 a. m. from the Borek Funeral Home, 249 Main Lawrenceville.

Requiem mass at 9 a. m. in Holy Family Church, VASSELO- On Sunday, May 9, 1954, at Rochester. Felix, of 1406 Fleming Pittock, husband of Helen Vasselo; son of Domenick, Anthony, Alexander Vasselo, Mrs. Delores Presutti, Mrs.

Mary Tucker, Mrs. Florence Cusano and Mrs. Linda Rist, Friends received at the Musmanno Funeral Home, 700 Seventh McKees Rocks. Funeral on Friday at 8:15 a. m.

Requiem high mass Mother of Sorrows Church at 9 a.m. VITUNIC On Monday, May 10, 1954, Anna (nee Kovacie) of 4062 Perrysville wife of the late George Vitunic; mother of Mrs. Mary Lillion, Joseph, Louis, ward and Robert Vitunic: also three grandchildren: sister of Mrs. Dora Krotec and Mrs. Emma Barkovic.

Friends and members of St. Anna 29. C.F.U., and St. Michael's Lodge 163, K.9.K.J., recelved at the Lovrencic Funeral Home, 860 Lockhart N. S.

Funeral on Thursday at 8:30 a. m. Solemn requiem nigh mass at St. Nicholas' R. C.

Church, N. at 9 15 a. m. WALSH- Charles, beloved husband of Mary Clark Walsh of 1820 Viruth North Side, on Monday, May 10. 1954; father of Miles grandfather of Miles and brother of Mrs.

Walter Maloy, Edward George F. and Frank Walsh. Friends may call at O'Brien's, 3724 California at Cooper Aves. North Side. Solemn requiem mass in St.

Cyril's Church Thursdav at 9:30 a. m. WELLIE On Monday, May 10, 1954, James, formerly of 242 Maryland husband of Evelyn Schroeffel; father of Anna Robich, Betty Lorkovic and the late Evelyn and Mary Wylie: brother of Gordon Wylie: also three grandchildren. Friends received at the Wehrle Funeral Home, 405 North Millvale, where services will be held Friday, May 14, at 2 p. m.

YOHE -At his late home. 105 Itgram Ingram. Jay Yohe, husband of Elizabeth F. Smith; brother of George H. of Ingram.

Mrs. Jane E. Shoop of Mt. non. Private services were held at Homewood Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon.

In Memoriam of FLAHERTY-Mary, dear In loving memory our mother who passed away twenty -two years ago today, May 12, 1932. While our dear mother rests and sleeps, Her dear memory we will always keep, -Sadly missed by her son Francis. Florists SC- 1-1300 MA GIDAS Spray Baskets $5 BEST IN Lubin Smaller 126-FIFTH AVE 1 1- 22.00 Monuments- Cemetery Lots ALLEGHENY Memorial Park grave lot. $400; Section 71, Block Call Evergiade 1-1419. SUNSET View Memorial Park, graves; "Garden of the Emerson 1-8649.

SUNSET Memorial Park- Garden of Praper, lots. Museum 1-7306. MONUMENTS $185 UP. SINGLE $70 Millvale Monument Works 1252-54 EVERGREEN RD. MI.

1-1428 laneous Classification of The Press. Lost and Found CAT-Nutured male. Tiger stripe. Wearing collar. Answers "Nick." Lost vicinity Squirrel Hill, May 9th.

Hazel 1-4046-Emerson 2-2000, Ext. 424. Reward. CHIHUAHUA Male. brown and white: lost Saturday, 8th.

Reward. AL. 1-3899. co*ckER Puppy---Black male, swers "Woody, wearing halter. Seen Oakland district Wednesday.

Reward. HU. 1-7780. COLLIE Female: all white with brown head; Sunday; vicinity beth, Pa. Children's pet.

Reward. Perrysville 4-5850. PRESS Classified Advertising is unrivaled for quick results in renting all types of living quarters. COLLIE Dog--Brown and white, female. lost Etna.

Answers to Sandy, (one year old.) reward. Sycamore 3-3263; Sterling 1-2585. DIAMOND Ring--Lady's, sets). Downtown vicinity, Saturday evening: reward. HE.

1-1358. ENVELOPE--Brown, containing social security and other papers; Monday Downtown Pittsburgh. Please call high 1-6243. GLASSES Dark frames; brown case; lost Saturday; Vicinity Royal Ballroom; reward. Sterling 1-0367.

PART Shepherd--Female, tan, red collar. lost East Liberty vicinity, reward. Montrose 1-0591 after 5 p. m. PURSE lost at Camp Horne Drive-In Theater.

Return contents: keep money. Phone Perrysville 4-6273 PRESS Classified Advertising 1s unrivaled for quick results in renting all types of living quarters. RING- -Engagement; white gold, center diamond and side diamonds. Lost May 3rd, Downtown. Reward.

Albert, CO. 1-3980. SUIT Box from May-Stern's---Containing girl's clothing lost Monday front Capital Airlines, Liberty Ave. Coraopolis 4-3739. SUITCASE Containing lady's apparel: initials Reward.

1120 North Wilkinsburg. PE, 1-3558. TOY Shepherd Brown and white, male pet. name "Peewee." Saturday, Ross Township. Reward.

Perrysville 4-6676. WRISTWATCH--Lady's Gruen: March Gimbels. Mrs. Marlowe, who called about finding please call again, no questions asked. Walnut 1-2940.

WRISTWATCH -Lady's; rhinestones; white gold; black band. Monday, Downtown Pittsburgh. Sentimental value. Reward. Butler 38782.

USEFUL articles, for sale or exchange, await your inspection in the Miscel- Share a Ride SHARE A RIDE WITH Your Neighbor LADY wants ride from Avalon to Pittsburgh around 8 a. and return, 5:30 p. m. Linden 1-0715J. RIDERS wanted -Penn-Winebiddle vieinity to Gateway vicinity: a.

m. HI. 1-3874 after 6 p. m. WILL SHARE RIDE -Squirrel HillDowntown.

9:30 a. and 6:15 p. Monday through Friday. Send name, address phone number to 158, Press. RIDERS Wanted Beechview to Bloomfield: 7:30 a.

m. and 5 p. m. Lehigh 1-9441. LADY- -Destres ride from Penn and Negley to Wood 2 p.

return 10 p. m. Emerson 1-6778. LADY needs ride from Brentwood to North Side. Monday through Friday, working hours 9 to 5.

Cedar 1-4443, after 5 Willard 1-5420. WANTED--Ride from Allentown to Oakland, mornings 6:45 a. evenines 8:30 p. m. and return.

Hubbard 1-0407. 2 Personal MRS. Marlowe--Kindly contact Wal. nut 1-2940 in regard to Gruen watch found recently; no questions asked. Proposals Sealed Proposals will be accepted by the Commissioners of Harrison Township, 41 Chestnut Street, Natrona, Pennsylvania, until 7:30 p.

m. D.S.T.. Monday, May 24, 1954 at which time they will be opened and publicly read for the collection and disposal of garbage, waste materials and rubbish as defined described in Ordinance No. 369 and Amending Ordinance Nos. 578 and 603.

The successful bidder will be required to post a surety bond in the amount of 50 of the bid price and will be permitted to option for renewal of contract for one year. Areas of tion and other information as may be desired can be secured from the oflice of the Township Secretary, The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. HARRISON TOWNSHIP. STANLEY A. SZARNICKI, Secretary.

Legal Notices ESTATE of George Lefko deceased. of Ross Township. No. 148 of 1953. Letters of administration on his estate were granted to the undesigned who requests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to decedent to make payment without delay to John Lefko, 12 Mattys Drive, Pgh.

12, or to Robert E. McMonigle, 507 Jones Law Pgh. 19, Pa. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 380 of May 24.

1945, of intention to file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg. and in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, on Wednesday, the 19th day of May, 1954, a Certificate for the conduct of a business in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, under the assumed or fictitious name, style or designation of Capuano Brothers, with its printcipal place of business at 6564 Frankstown Avenue, Pittsburgh 6, Pa. The names and addresses of all persons owning or Interested in said business are: John Anthony Capuano, 6357 Winslow Street, Pittsburgh 6, Joseph Capuano, 6357 Winslow Street, Pittsburgh 6, Pa. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 380 of May 24, 1945, of Intention to file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at burg, and in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, on day, the 12th day of May, 1954.

Certificate for the conduct of a bustness in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, under the assumed or fictitious name, style or designation of Baby Rentals Service, with Its principal place of business at 60 Sumner nue, Pittsburgh 2. Pa. The names and addresses of all persons owning or interested in said business are: William S. Herr. 60 Sumner Avenue, Pittsburgh 2.

Rocco Acquaro, 2524 Sylvania Pittsburgh 34, Arthur Sack, 1345 5th Avenue, Arnold. Pa. ESTATE of John Sokol, deceased. of Pgh. No.

4005 of 1953. Letters testamentary on his estate were granted to the undersirned. who requests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to decedent to make payment without delay to Rev. John Zornan, 620 Danbury Pgh. 14, or to Francis Taptich, 74 St.




COMMONWEALTH OP PENNA. DEPT. OF PUBLIC SISTANCE. Their heirs, successors. a devisees or Legal Represontatives.

Notice hereby given to the above persons. their heirs. successors or 28- stens. and to all persons whatsoever. that the City of Pittsburgh by Harry Peschel Tax Solicitor.

336 City County has nettfloned the Contt for an order approving privale sale of the following tax entred real estate for the S11m of $1.500.00 pursuant to Act. No. 514 ponroved by the Governor July 5. 1947: ALL THOSE CERTAIN lots of in the 15th Ward of the City of the Easterly side of Second a Avenue places of ground situate at a point on Pittsburch. County of Allecheny and Commonwealth of Pennevivania.

being Ints Nos 228 and 229 In Revised Plan of Esnv Place, recorded in the of Allechenv County Plan Book Vol. 17. pare 94. Whereupon the Court ranted puta on the aforesaid person, and all persons whatsoever. to appear and show cause writhin thirty davs from this notice why the title of the Cite of Pittsburgh.

to the aforesaid real estate should not be adiudicated and decreed valid and indefeasible AN against all morteages, cround rents. rights. title. interest in or claims amainst the aforesaid real estate: and to further show cause why the sale of the said real estate should not he made free and clear of all the aforesaid claims whatsoever. WILLIAM H.



successors, assigns, devisees or Legal Representatives. Notice is hereby given to the above persons. Their heirs, successors or signs, and to all persons whatsoever. that the City of Pittsburgh by Harry C. Beschel, Tax Solicitor.

336 City County Building. has petitioned the Court for an order approving a private sale of the following tax acquired real estate for the sum of $300.00 pursuant to Act No. 514 approved by the Governor July 5, 1947: ALL THAT CERTAN Lot or piece of ground situate at a point on the Westerly side of Flach Street in the 16th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh. County of Allegheny and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being Lot No. 60 in St.

Clair Real Estate Company Plan recorded in P.B. Vol. 8. page 143. BEING designated as Block 32-C.

Lot No. 103 in the records of the Deed Registry Office of Allegheny County. Whereupon the Court granted rule on the aforesaid person, and all persons whatsoever, to appear and show cause within thirty days from this notice why the title of the City of Pittsburgh, to the aforesaid real estate should not be adjudicated and decreed valid and indefeasible as against, all mortgages, ground rents. rights, title. interest in or claims against the aforesaid real estate: and to further show cause why the sale of the said real estate should not be made free and clear of all the aforesaid claims whatsoever.


oF SOPHIE ECONOMOS, JAMES NOMOPULOS or ECONOMOPOULOS or JAMES ECONOMOS. JOHN ECONOMOS. THOMAS MOS. Their heirs, assigns, devisees or Legal Representatives. Notice is hereby given to the above persons.

Their heirs, successors or signs, and to all persons whatsoever. that the City of Pittsburgh by Harry C. Beschel. Tax Solicitor, 336 City County Building, has petitioned the Court for an order approving a private sale of the following tax ac quired real estate for the sum of $1500.00 pursuant to Act. No.

514 approved by the Governor July 5, 1947: ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground situate in the 29th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh. County of Allegheny and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being designated Block 95-G. Lot 40 in the Records of the Deed Registry of said County: bounded and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINING on the Northerly side of Parkfield Street, formerly Park Lane or Way and formerly referred to as a "Township Road running from the Brownsville Macadamized Turnpike Road to South Park." at point distant 719.60 feet North West, from the Northwest corner of said Parkfleld Street and Brownsville Road. said point being also at line of land now or formerly of Nicholas Walker; thence extending along said Parkfield Street, North 87 9' West. a distance of 40 feet to a point on line of land now or formerly of Georghe Scutells and Vanatsanos P.

Trafeles: thence along said line, North East. a distance of 134.20 feet to a point: thence South 45' East, a distance of 40 feet to line of land now or formerly of Nicholas Walker, aforesaid: thence along said line. South 41' West. a distance of 133.20 feet to Parkfield Street, at the place of beginning. Whereupon the Court granted rule on the aforesaid person, and all persons whatsoever, to appear And show cause within thirty days from this notice why the title of the City of Pittsburgh, to the aforesaid real estate should not be adjudicated and decreed valid and indefeasible AS against all mortgages, ground rents.

rights, title. Interest In or claims against the aforesald real estate: and to further show cause why the sale of the real estate should not be made free and clear of all the aforesaid claims whatsoever, WILLIAM H. DAVIS, Sheriff NOTICE IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA: NO. 1245, July Term, 1954 CITY OF PITTSBURGH Vs.


O'DONNELL, individually, SEABOARD CONSUMERS DISCOUNT PEOPLES FIRST NAT'L. BANK TRUST GATEWAY CONSUMERS DISCOUNT CONSUMERS CREDIT SERVICE HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CARNEGIE THRIFT LOAN PHILIP AHWESH, BOND SALES SERVICE Their heirs, successors, assigns, devisees or Legal Representatives. Notice is hereby given to the above persons, Their heirs, successors or assigns, and to all persons whatsoever. that the City of Pittsburgh by Harry C. Beschel.

Tax Solicitor, 336 City County Building, has petitioned the Court for an order approving a private sale of the following tax acquired real estate or the sum of $600.00 pursuant to Act. No. 514 approved by the Governor July 5, 1947: ALL THOSE CERTAIN Jots or pleces of ground situate on the northerly side of Montclair Street, in the 15th Ward (formerly the 23rd Ward), the City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being Lots Nos. 41 and 42 in the D. R.

Deely Plan of lots, recorded in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny County in Plan Book Vol. 14, page 101 also known as P.B. Vol. 24. page 104.

RESERVING at the intersection of Montclair St. and Globe Way, a portion of said properly for street pure poses. having a radius of 10 feet. BEING designated as Block 55-H. Lot 2 of Record of the Deed Registry Office in and for Allegheny County.

Whereupon the Court granted rule on the aforesaid persons, and all persons whatsoever, to appear and show cause within thirty days from this notice why the title of the City of Pittsburgh. to the aforesaid real estate should not be adjudicated and decreed valid and indefeasible 89 against all mortgages, ground rents. rights, title, interest in or claims against the aforesaid real estate: and to further show cause why the sale of the said real estate should not be made free and clear of all the aforesald claims whatsoever. WILLIAM H. DAVIS, Sheriff.


BLUM, His heirs, assigns. devisees, or Legal Representatives, Notice 15 hereby to the above person, His heirs, successors or assigns. and to all persons whatsoever, that the City of Pittsburgh by Harry C. Beschel. Tax Solicitor, 336 City County Building, has petitioned the Court for an order approving a private sale of the following tax acquired real estate for the sum of $600.00 pursuant to Act.

No. 514 approved by the Governor July 5, 1947. ALL THOSE CERTAIN Lots or pieces of ground situate at a point on the Southeasterly side of American Street, In the 15th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, being Lots Nos. 42 and 43. in Hugh S.

Fleming's Plan, recorded in the Recorders Office of Allegheny County in Plan Book Volume 8, page 16. RESERVING at the intersection of American Street aand Dyke Street, a portion of said property, for street purposes. having a radius of 20 feet. Whereupon the Court granted rule on the aforesald person. and all persons whatsoever, to appear and show cause within thirty days from this notice why the title of the City of Pittsburgh to the aforesaid real estate should not be adjudicated and decreed valid and indefeasible As against all mortgages, ground rents.

rights. title. interest In or claims against the aforesaid real estate: and to further show cause why the sale of the said real estate should not be made free and clear of all the said claims whatsoever. WILLIAM H. DAVIS.


Her heirs, assigns, devisees, or legal Repre- sentatives. Notice is hereby given to the above person, her heirs, successors or Ate signs. and to all persons whatsoever. that the City of Pittsburgh by Harry C. Beschel.

Tax Solicitor, 336 CityCounty Building. has petitioned the Court for an order approving a private sale of the following tax quired real estate for the sum of $500.00 pursuant to Act. No. 514 approved by the Governor July 5, 1947. ALL THAT CERTAIN Lot or piece of ground situate on the southerly side of Broadhead Street.

in the 12th formerly 21st Ward) of the City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, being Lot No. 162 In the Arlington Place Plan of Lots. recorded in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny County In Plan Book Volume 17, pages 80 and 81. SAID lot being further designated in the Block and Lot Records of Allegheny County as Block 173 252. Whereunon the Court granted a rule on the afore sald person, and all persons whatsoever.

to appear and show cause within thirty days from this notice why the title of the CITY OF PITTSBURGH to the aforesald real estate should not be adjudicated and decreed valid and indefeasible against all mortgages, ground. rents, rights, title, Interest In or claims against the aforesaid real estate: and to further show cause why the sale of the said real estate should not be made free and clear of all the aforesaid claims whatsoever. WILLIAM DAVIS Sheriff. LOST articles are speedily recovered by the simple process of placing a Want Ad in The Press. MAY 12, 1954-PAGE 29 Legal Notices ABRAHAM Glick, Attorney at Law, 1209 Grant Pittsburgh, Pa.

Notice is hereby given of intention to file Articles of Incorporation with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, on Monday, the 17th cay of May, 1954, for the purpose of obtaining a Certificate of tion of a proposed business tion to be organized under the Business Corporation Law of the Commonwealth Pennsylvania, approved May 5, 1933, P.L. 364, as amended. said corporation to be named King David Real Estate Company, Inc. The purpose or purposes for which It is to be organized are; To buy, sell, mortgage, lease, rent, manage, hold, improve, develop and deal in real estate, lands and buildings; to buy, construct, improve, lease and sell houses and buildings; and to engage generally in the real estate bustness, and to do all things incidental to the foregoing and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly, Abraham Glick, Solicitor. NOTICE IN THE COURT OF PLEAS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY.

PENNSYLVANIA: NO. 1247 July Term, 1954 CITY OF PITTSBURGH Vs. JAMES MAIN, His heirs, assigns, devisees or Legal Representatives. Notice is hereby given to the above person. His heirs, successors or signs.

and to all persons whatsoever. that the City of Pittsburgh by Harry C. Beschel. Tax Solicitor. 336 City County Building.

has petitioned the Court for an order approving a private sale of the following tax quired real estate for the sum of $400.00 pursuant to Act. No. 514 approved by the Governor July 5. 1947: ALL THAT CERTAIN Lot or piece ground situate in the 25th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, being part of Lot. No.

43 in George Ledlie's (Incorrectly referred to in prior deeds as Leslie's) Plan of Lots, recorded in Plan Book Vol. 1, page 179, original book, Page 99 revised book and bounded and described follows, on Carrington (formerly Carrol) Street at the Southwest (incorrectly described in prior deeds as northeast) corner of Carrington Street and Charlick Way (formerly Creighton Alley), thence westwardly by line of Carrington Street a distance of 29 ft. 4 in. to comer of lot now or formerly owned by Michael McGill: thence southwardly by line of sald McGill's lot a distance of 50 ft. to a point thence eastwardly by line of property of which this 19 part a distance of 29 ft.

4 in. to Charlick Way aforesaid; thence northwardly by the line of said Way 50 ft. to the place of beginning. Reserving at the intersection of Carrington Street and Charlick Way a portion of said property, for street purposes, having a radius 10 feet. also at the intersection of Charlick Way and Alpine Avenue, having radius of 10 feet.

Whereupon the Court granted rule on the aforesaid person and all persons whatsoever, to appear and show cause within thirty days from this notice why the title of the City of Pittsburgh, to the aforsald real estate should not be adjudicated and decreed valid and indefeasible AS against all mortgages. ground rents, rights. title, interest in or claims against the aforesaid real estate: and to further show cause why the sale of the said real estate should not be made free and clear of all the aforesaid claims whatsoever. WILLIAM H. DAVIS Sheriff NOTICE IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY.

PENNSYLVANIA: No. 1248 July Term, 1954 CITY OF PITTSBURGH Vs. ROBERT P. LONGWILL, or WELL, JAMES KIFER, Lessee, Their heirs, assigns, devisees or Legal Representatives. Notice is hereby given to the above persons, Their heirs, successors or assigns, and to all persons whatsoever, that the City of Pittsburgh by Harry C.

Beschel, Tax Solicitor, 336 City County Building, has petitioned the Court for an order approving A private sale of the following tax acquired real estate for the sum of $600.00 pursuant to Act No. 514 approved by the Governor July 5, 1947: ALL THOSE CERTAIN Lots or pleces of ground situate in the 20th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being Lots Nos. 230, 231 and 232 in the Sheridan Land Plan No. 7 as recorded in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny County, Pa. in P.B.

Vol. 14, page 25 and also known as Vol. 8, page 240, bounded and described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING on the Westerly side of Litchfield Street at line dividing Lots Nos. 232 and 233 in said plan; thence Southwestwardly along said side of Litchfield Street 75 feet to the line dividing Lots 229 and 230 in said plan; thence Westwardly along said dividing line 100 feet to the Easterly line of an alley, now known as Anoka Way; thence Northwardly along said side of Anoka Way 75 feet to the dividing line between Lots Nos. 232 -and 233 in said plan; thence Eastwardly along said dividing line 100 feet to Litchfield Street the place of beginning.

BEING designated part of Block 41-C. Lot 304 in the Records of the Deed Registry Office of Allegheny County, Whereupon Court granted rule on the aforesald persons. and all persons whatsoever, to appear and show cause within thirty days from this notice why the title of the City of Pittsburgh, to the aforesaid real estate should not be adjudicated and decreed valid and Indefeastble as against all mortgages, ground rents. rights, title. interest In or claims against the aforesaid real estate: and 10 further show cause why the sale of the said real estate should not be made free and clear of all the aforesaid claims whatsoever.


Memphis Little Only Syracuse Rochster Buffalo. Hayana, Richmond Other Sacrmnto Oakland. Hollywod San Hollywood San Seattle Allentown Elmira Corning Houston Shreveport 14,462 17.452 17.452 16.385 02 3 Pet. 8.500 8.429 .308 14.300 2 Pet. .500 17.500 19.486 .314 0 WELL, D.

H. BLAIR. assignee of mortgage, JAMES KIFER. Lessee, Their heirs, assigns, devisees or Legal Representatives. Notice is hereby given to the above persons, Their heirs, successors Or assigns, and to all persons whatsoever, that City of Pittsburgh by Harry C.

Beschel, Tax Solicitor, 336 City County Building, has petitioned the Court for an order approving 8 private sale of the following tax acquired real estate for the sum of $250.00 pursuant to Act. No. 514 approved by the Governor July 5. 1947: ALL THAT CERTAIN Lot or plece ground situate in the 20th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being Lot No, 202 in Sheraden Land Company Limited Plan No. 7.

recorded in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny County in Plan Book Vol. 14, page 25, also being designated Block 41-C. part of lot 34 in the records of the Deed Registry Office of said County, bounded and described as follows, to- wit: BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly side of Swaney Street at the dividing line between lots Nos. 202 and 203 in said plan: thence along said side of Swaney Street South 43' West a distance of 25 feet to a point at the dividing line between lots Nos. 201 and 202 in said plan; thence in a Westerly direction along said last mentioned dividing line a distance of 100 feet to a point on the Easterly side of Moss Way; thence along the Easterly side of Moss Way North 43' East a distance of 25 feet to a point on the dividing line between lots Nos.

202 and 203 aforesaid; thence in an Easterly direction along the dividing line between lots Nos. 202 and 203 a distance of 100 feet to A point on the Westerly side of Swaney Street at the place of beginning. Whereupon the Court granted rule on the aforesaid persons, and all persons whatsoever, to appear and show cause within thirty days from this notice why the title of the City of Pittsburgh. to the aforesaid real estate should not be adjudicated and decreed valld and indefeasible As against all mortgages, ground rents. rights.

title, interest in or claims against the aforesaid real estate; and to further show cause why the sale of the said real estate should not be made free and clear of all the aforesaid claims whatsoever. WILLIAM H. DAVIS Sheriff Diego NOTICE IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA: No. 1250.



Devisees or Legal Representatives. Notice is hereby given to the above persons, their heirs, successors or assigns. and to all persons whatsoever that the City of Pittsburgh by Harry C. Beschel. Tax Solicitor.

336 City County Building, has petitioned the Court for an order approving private sale of the following tax acoutred real estate for the sum of $1.200.00 pursuant to Act. No. 514 approved by the Governor July 5, 1947: ALL THAT CERTAIN tot or piece of ground situate on Frampton (formerly Frederick) Avenue in the 18th Ward. City of Pittsburgh. County of Allegheny and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being Lot No.

9 in the Plan of Lots of Frederick Hampe recorded in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny County in Plan Book Vol. 11, page 90. BEING designated as Block 15-P. Tot No. 57 in the records of the Deed Registry of Allegheny County.

Whereupon the Court granted rule on the aforesaid persons, and all persons whatsoever, to appear and show cause within thirty days from this notice why the title of the City of Pittsburch, to the aforesaid real estate should not be adiudicated and decreed valid and Indefensible AS agginst all mortgages. ground rents. rights. title, Interest in or claims against the aforesaid real estate: and to further show cause why the sale of the said real estate should not be made free and clear of all the aforesaid claims whatsoever. WILLIAM F.

DAVIS Sheriff NOTICE wiLL no longer be sponsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Rosemarie Gunther, after this date, May 11, 1954. Charles Gunther, 1531 Howard Pgh. 11, Pa..

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.