This Day, May 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)

May 21

383:As the emperor struggles to make Christianity the state religion of the RomanEmpire he promulgates a law that denies anybody who converts from Christianityto another religion the right to make a will.This law may have had some impact on the Jews, but the real target werethe Romans who sought to become pagans or Manichaens, followers of the Persianprophet Mani. (Sometimes Jews are just“collateral damage” in other people’s struggles for power)

878:Syracuse is captured by the Muslim sultan of Sicily. This change from Christianto Muslim rulers seems to have had little effect on the Jews of Syracuse.Israelite traders who visited the ancient colony when it was ruled by theGreeks were probably the first Jews to settle in Syracuse.

TheJewish population grew after the destruction of the Second Temple when theRomans brought Jewish slaves to Sicily.Life for the Jews of Syracuse would take a negative turn in 1492 whenSicily came under Spanish domination.

996:Otto III begins his reign as Holy Roman Emperor which included modern dayGermany. Records exist that show Jewshad been living in Cologne during the reign of Otto’s predecessor, Otto II andthe community grew enough so that a synagogue was constructed in the firstdecade of the 11th century.

1529:Thirty Jews were burned in Bosnia, Hungary

1577:Portuguese Marranos were granted permission to settle in Brazil

1662:Catherine of Braganza, the Portuguese born wife King Charles II of England whobrought Portuguese native Fernando Mendes to serve as her personal physicianwhich made it possible for him to begin living openly as a Jew, began her reignas Queen Consort of England, Scotland and Ireland..

1671:Frederick William the Hohenzollern the Margrave of Brandenburg readmitted theJews to his domain including the capital at Berlin. Although they werepermitted to live and trade where they wished they had to pay a protection taxof 8 Thalers, and a gold florin for every wedding and funeral. In addition,Jews were not allowed to sell their houses to other Jews and were onlypermitted to have prayer rooms but no Synagogues.

1674: JohnSobieski was elected by the nobility to be the King of Poland. The Jews of thePolish town of Przemysl had suffered economic reverses and had been forced toborrow from nobles prior to John Sobieski’s coming to the throne. In 1678, there was a major fire in the Jewishsection of Premysl and the King John granted them special dispensation fromtheir debt re-payment so that they could rebuild their portion of the town.King John would make further extensions for his Jewish subjects because he was concernedthat they would leave the kingdom and take their mercantile and managerialskills with them.

1759: Thirteenyear old Sampson Gideon, the son of Sampson Eardley, 1st BaronEardley, “a Jewish banker” and advisor to the British government, was “createda baronet today.

1760(6th ofSivan, 5520): As England and France clash during the Seven Years War, BritishJews observe the First Day of Shavuot.The Jews had been expelled from France so there was nobody in Paris toobserve the festival.

1768(5thof Sivan, 5528): Parashat Bamidbar; Erev Shavuot

1769(14thof Iyar, 5529): Pesach Sheni is observed a week after Charles III of Spain hadsent out Spanish missionaries, who found missions in San Diego, Santa Barbara,San Francisco and Monterey which meant the Inquisition could come to what isnow the state of California.

1772(18thof Iyar, 5532): Lag B’Omer

1772: InBoston, MA, Single Copley and the former Susanna Clarke gave birth to JohnSingleton Copley, the 1st Baron Lyndhurst who in 1852, as a memberof the House of Lords favored a bill design to remove the disabilities imposedupon persons refusing to take the “oaths of abjuration” which kept Jews fromserving in the House of Commons.

1779(6thof Sivan, 5539): Shavuot is observed as Benedict Arnold is beginning hisbetrayal of the forces arrayed against the British in the American fight forindependence.

1796: InLondon, New York native Joseph Hart Myers and the former Leah Jacobs gave birthto Naphtali Hart Myers.

1798(6thof Sivan, 5558): Two days before the Society of United Irishman, a groupincluding Protestants and Catholics start a rebellion against British rule,Jews observe the First Day of Shavuot

1798: InCharleston, SC Marks Lazarus and his wife gave birth to Emma Lazarus (not to beconfused with the poet of the same name)

1799: Frenchtroops under Napoleon retreated from Acre thus ending a two months siege of theOttoman held city. The retreat markedthe end of Napoleon’s dream of an eastern empire which included a promise tothe local Jews that Palestine would become their home.

1802: BenjaminMoses Van Praagh married Elizabeth Joseph Speyer today in the United Kingdom.

1809(6thof Sivan): As the Napoleon faces the Austrians on the first day of the Battleof Aspern-Essling, Jews observe the first day of Shavuot

1813:Birthdate of English “engineer and politician” Jacob d’Aguilar Samuda, the“younger son of Abraham Samuda” and brother of Jacob Samuda with whom he formedSamuda Brothers and who was both an MP and the husband Louisa Samuda with whomhe had one daughter, Ada.

1814(2nd ofSivan): Rabbi Aryeh Leib Berlin passed away

1817(6thof Sivan, 5577): For the first time during the Presidency of the newlyinaugurated James Monroe, Jews in the United States observe Shavuot.

1819: Sanderbar Aharon’s wife Rosey Aaron who passed away yesterday was buried today at theBrady Street Jewish Cemetery.

1820:Elizabethtown, NJ farmer and United States consul to St. Thomas Judge DavidNaar, the son of Hazan Joshua Naar and Sarah Naar and his wife Sarah Cohen Naargave birth to Joshua Naar.

1820 (NS):Birthdate of Nikolaus von Giers, who served as Foreign Minister while AlexanderIII promulgated the infamous May Laws.

1823: InNaples, Carl Mayer von Rothschild and Adelheid von Rothschild gave birth toAdolph Carl (Karl) Rothschild

1826(14thof Iyar, 5586): Pesach Sheni observed as the Turks appear to be successful inputting down the Greek revolt against the Ottoman Empire.

1827:Birthdate of Hermann Byk, the son of Alexander Mendel Byk.

1829(18thof Iyar, 5589): Lag B’Omer

1829: JacobAnsell married Rachel Isaacs at the Great Synagogue today.

1829: InFrankfurt-on-Main Solomon Michael Geiger, the eldest brother of Abraham Geigerand his wife gave birth to philosopher and philologist Lazarus Geiger

1832: InCharleston, SC, Abraham Moise and Caroline Moses gave birth to Edwin WarrenMoise. A Sephardic Jew whose family had made its way from Alsace to the FrenchCaribbean before settling in South Carolina’s major seaport, pursued a careeras a lawyer, soldier in the CSA and adjutant general in the post-Civil WarPalmetto State. (As reported by Robert N. Rosen)

1836(5thof Sivan, 5595): Erev Shabbat; Parsashat Bamidbard

1837: InEdenkoben, Germany, Daniel and Rebecca Scheuer Wolff gave birth to AthaliaWolff Frank, the wife of Eleazer W. Frank with whom she had three children –Benjamin, Matilda and Fannie.

1837: InColumbia, SC, Jacob Cohen Lyons and Louisa Elizabeth Lyons gave birth to futureNew Orleans resident Isaac Lazarus Lyons, the husband of Eva Lyon and thefather of Dr. Randolph, George and Isaac Lyons,

1841(18thof Iyar,5600): Lag BaOmer

1843: InPlymouth England, Rose Woolf and Josiah Solomon gave birth to Henry Solomon, the husband of Harriet Simon who was one of the founders of theMontefiore Home and Hospital, one of the founders of the Jewish Protectory andHawthorne School in Hawthorne, NY, one of the founders and director of theUnited Hebrew Charities of New York and a member of Temple Emanu-El in New YorkCity.

1844: NathanElias married Sarah Moses at the Great Synagogue in London.

1845(14thof Iyar, 5606): Pesach Sheni observed members of a convention gather in Texasto vote on joining the Union.

1847(6thof Sivan, 5607): Shavuot

1848(18thof Iyar, 5608): Lag B’Omer

1848: LazarusJacobs married Ann Isaacs at the Great Synagogue in London on the first daywhen allowed by Jewish tradition. (See above)

1848: InVilna, Joshua Distillator and his wife gave birth to Samuel E. Distillator, thecantor at Congregation Beth Tefillah in New York City.

1849: MontagueM. Hendricks, the New York born son of Frances and Harman Hendricks and hiswife Rachel Seixas Nathan gave birth to Adele Hendricks who died in infancy.

1850:Birthdate of Hermann Frenkel, the Danzig born banker who also a noted artcollector.

1852: TheNew York Times reported that in Germany “the citizens of ‘Luboc’ havereferred to a committee a decree of the Senate” that would place Jews on anequal footing with other citizens.”

1853: TheNew York Times reported that the Trieste Gazette had published aletter from Jerusalem dated March 27 in which it described the outbreak ofviolence between English missionaries and a group of Jews on March 24. The missionaries had gathered in front of theGreat Synagogue and while the Jews were praying inside, they began giving“speeches against the Jews and the Talmud.A Jew threw a cat at one of the missionaries which sparked a fightbetween the two groups. Eventually, theEnglish retreated and the Chief Rabbi went to the European consular officialsto protest the offensive behavior.

1854: The Washington Sentinel printed aneditorial entitled “The Jews as Citizens” which said that the “the absence ofapplications for relief was…not an index of Jewish affluence” but a result ofthe Jewish community providing for the financial needs of their co-religionist.After noting that Jews were absent from the jails and poorhouses, theeditorialist concluded that Jews “are among the best, most orderly welldisposed of our citizens.”

1857: The USSMinnesota on which Adolph Marix would serve in 1880, was commissioned today.

1863: Fifty-eighty-year-oldCulling Eardley whose support of the Jaffa to Jerusalem railway was based onhis belief that “the railway would serve Christen missionary activity” causedMoses Montefiore to back away from the project, passed away today.

1864(15thof Iyar, 5624): Parashat Behar was read on the same day that the two weeksegment of Grant’s Overland Campaign, known as the Battle of Spotsylvania, cameto end with Lee’s Army still uncaptured but being forced ever further back onRichmond.

1864:Birthdate of George Moses Price, the husband of Anna Kopkin and the native of Poltava who came to the NYC in1882 where he earned a medical degree from New York University and became aleader in the field of sanitation.

1866(7thof Sivan, 5626): Second Day of Shavuot

1866: InBaltimore, MD, Max White and Annie Lewin gave birth to Henry “Harry” White alabor leader in the garment industry who has served as general secretary of theUnited Garment Workers of America (AFL) which he help to found since 1896 andis the Editor of The Garment Worker andThe Weekly Bulletin of the Clothing Trade.

1866: TheNew York Times features a review of “Lectures on the History of the JewishChurch Part II” by Arthur P. Stanley in which the author traces the history ofthe Jews from Samuel to the Captivity.

1868:Birthdate of Heinrich Brody (German) or Bródy Henrik (Hungarian) “a Hungarian(after 1918 Czechoslovakian) rabbi. He was born in Ungvár, a town historicallypart of Hungary, now of the Ukraine. He was a descendant of Abraham Broda.Educated in the public schools of his native town and at the rabbinicalcolleges of Tolcsva and Pressburg, Hungary, Brody also studied at theHildesheimer Theological Seminary and at the University of Berlin, being anenthusiastic scholar of the Hebrew language and literature. He was for sometime secretary of the literary society Mekiẓe Nirdamim, and in 1896 founded the"Zeitschrift für Hebräische Bibliographie", of which he was coeditorwith A. Freiman. Brody was the rabbi of the congregation of Náchod, Bohemia andchief rabbi of Prague (both cities then part of Austria-Hungary), before movingto Palestine. In Czechoslovakia, he was the leader of the Mizrachi movement. Hepassed away in 1942.

1870:Birthdate of Sarah Vasen, the first Jewish woman doctor in Los Angeles andfirst superintendent and resident physician of Kaspare Cohn Hospital (laterCedars-Sinai Hospital) (As reported by Julie Beardsley)

1871: ReverendHoward Crosby delivered an address to group interested in the exploration ofthe Holy Land. During his speech hedescribed plans for an upcoming expedition that hoped to find “the actual tombsof the Kings, the ark of the covenant and the tables of stone written on by thefingers of God…”

1872: It wasreported today that the U.S. House of Representatives adopted a motion by Mr.Cox, requesting the President to join with the Italian government in itsprotest against the intolerance and cruelty practiced towards the Jews ofRomania.

1872: One dayafter he had passed away, 73 year old Abraham Edmon, the son of Eliaser Abrahamand Kitty Emdon, the husband of Lydia David and father of Eleanor Emdon wasburied today at the “Plymouth Hoe Burial Ground.

1872:Mr. Benjamin J. Hart presided over tonight’s annual meeting of the Conventionof the Board of Delegates of American Israelites which was held at theForty-fourth-street Synagogue in New York City. The deteriorating condition ofthe Jews of Romania dominated most of the evening’s discussion. A letter that Secretary of State HamiltonFish had sent to the United States Consul at Bucharest instructing him tointercede with Romanian government was read to the convention. The delegates outlined a plan of action tohelp bring pressure on the Romanians and created a Committee on Immigration tohelp those who had been forced to flee to the United States due to thepersecution in Eastern Europe. Thedelegates voted to hold the next annual convention in Washington, D.C.

1872:The Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin reported that General Henry C. Wayne whohad served the Confederacy as the Adjutant-General of Georgia during the CivilWar, was supporting Grant over Horace Greely in the upcoming Presidentialelection. In explaining Southern support for the General who defeated them hewrote, “We cannot stand being carried in the pockets of a foreign Jew bankerthough Tammany finds it a profitable investment.” [The “foreign Jew banker may have been areference to August Belmont, who was Chairman of the Democratic Party after theCivil War. He resigned the postfollowing the Presidential election of 1872.]

1872:Charles Netter wrote a letter today describing how pupils from Mikveh Israelwho had spent Passover with their parents in Jerusalem “were subject topersecutions and publicly vilified.”According to Netter, the parents were urged to withdraw their childrenby Rabbis who did not object to Jewish children being sent to schools run byProtestant missionaries. The rabbinic objection to attendance at Mikveh Israel,was based on a fear that they would get less in the way of Halukkah funds.Halukkah refers to funds collected in the galut to support Jews living inPalestine; a collection that dated back to the Middle Ages. Founded in 1870, Mikveh Israel was the firstagricultural school operated by the Alliance Israelite Universelle.

1874(5thof Sivan, 5634): Erev Shavuot

1874: In whatis now the Czech Republic, David and Eva Low and his wife Helene Low gave birthSofie Low.

1876: “TheTemple At Jerusalem,” published today reported that more has been written aboutThe Temple in Jerusalem than any other building in history and that most of ithas been totally inaccurate. The articleincluded references to modern efforts to map the Temple Mount includingFrederick Catherwood’s survey in 1833 and the even more accurate work done byCaptain Charles Wilson in 1864 and 1865.

1876: JudgeP.J. Joachimsen of New York presided over today’s annual convention of theBoard of Delegates of American Israelites in Philadelphia, PA. The report of the executive committee dealtprimarily with the conditions of the Jews of Palestine and Roumania. During theafternoon, the delegates visited a Jewish hospital and in the evening electedofficers to serve during the coming year.

1876: InDetroit, Michigan, David W. Simons and his wife gave birth to University ofMichigan trained attorney Charles C. Simons and husband of Lillian Bernsteinwho was appointed by President Harding to serve as a U.S. District Judge in February1923.

1878(18th ofIyar, 5638): Lag B'Omer

1878:Birthdate of Odessa native and Menshevik leader Lydia Dan, the sister JuliusMartov and the wife of Fyodor Dan who fell afoul of Lenin’s Bolsheviks and wentinto exile in 1923, which given the purges of the 1930’s probably saved herlife.

1879:Birthdate of Ada Rosenthal Salus the wife of University of Pennsylvania trainedlawyer and Republican political leader Samuel Salus and the mother of Arthur S.Salus.

1881: TheAmerican Red Cross is established by Clara Barton.Washington businessman Adolphus Simeon Solomons, a member of a prominentSephardic family, played a key role in the founding of the humanitarianorganization. In fact, Clara Bartoncalled him her "good vice president and kind counselor."

1883(14thof Iyar, 5643): Pesach Sheni

1883:Birthdate of Warsaw native and Syracuse, NY resident David M. Holstein, thehusband of Mrs. Viola Holstein with whom he had three daughters and one son and“a founder and chairman of the board of the Syracuse Ornamental Company” who “aboard member of the Syracuse General Hospital and a founder of the SyracuseSymphony Orchestra.”

1885(7thof Sivan, 5645): 2nd day of Shavuot, Yizkor

1885: InLithuania, Morris J. and Sarah I. (Berkson) Paulive gave birth to Samuel E.Paulive, the husband of Miriam Cauman,who came to the United States in 1897,settled in Massachusetts and became a real estate and insurance broker as wellas a member of the Jewish Welfare Board and the YMHA.

1886: Construction was begun today for a new Sephardicsynagogue to be used by the Moses Montefiore Congregation.

1886: In Birmingham, AL Emma Washer and Jacob Bandmangave birth to University of Alabama trained attorney Chester Gabriel Bandman anhusband of Lottie Coplan who was memberof Temple Emanu El in Birmingham and starting in 1925 the Educational Directorof Congregation Rodef Shalom in Pittsburgh, PA

1886(16th of Iyar): David Gordon who was bornin Vilna in 1831 and was both a supporter of Hibbat Zion and an editor forHaMaggid, the first Hebrew newspaper passed away today.

1889: RabbiDavid Levy officiated at the wedding of Walter Irving Harby of Sumter, SC andJacqueline Ellen Levy the daughter of Charles F. Levy at the Hasell StreetSynagogue.

1889: TheMoses Montefiore Congregation was dedicated in Bloomington, Illinois at aceremony which began at four o’clock this this afternoon, erev Shabbat.

1890: TheBoard of Estimate and Apportionment authorized the transfer of $30,000 fromlast year’s balances to be used for the furnishing of the new school to beopened in the Hebrew Orphan Asylum Building on 77th Street near 3rdAvenue.

1890: Today,Marcus M. Marks, president of several clothing industry trade associations andfuture Manhattan Borough President married “suffragist Esther Friedman” themother of his son Johnny Marks, who ironically wrote “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”

1891: Themanager of a “‘Shelter,’ an institution established for the reception” ofRussian Jews arriving in England disputed claims that a large number destituterefugees are arriving in his country.According to him, on average, only 20 destitute Jews arrive each weekand nine-tenths of them move on to the United States “or the English colonies.”The Shelter provides them with enough funds so that they can show they arecapable of earning a living once they arrive at their final destinations.

1892: Amongthe bills that the Governor Flowers of New York allowed to die today was oneintroduced by Assemblyman Stein that would have provided a tax exemption forthe Hebrew Children’s Sanitarium at Rockaway Beach.

1892: In NewOrleans, LA, Helena and A.H. Gernsbacher gave birth to Myrtle Viola Gernsbacherwho became Viola Gernsbacher Brav when she married JTS and Hebrew Union Collegeeducated Rabbi Louis Brav, who was the Rabbi at Temple Sinai in Lake Charles,LA and a Professor of Romance Languages at Lawrence College in Appleton,Wisconsin.

1892: MaxCohen has just released by the annual report of the Maimonides Library.

1893(6thof Sivan, 5653): Shavuot

1893:Birthdate of New York native and NewYork College of Dentistry graduate Dr. Herman L. Reiss, the WW I veteran and“consulting oral surgeon at Sydenham Hospital.”

1893: Therewere a number of Polish and Russian Jews among the three hundred steeragepassengers aboard the SS Amalfi which had sailed from Hamburg and arrived atEllis Island today.

1895: It wasreported today that a congregation that has been worshipping at 116 SiegelStreet in Brooklyn for several years has been ordered to pay its back rent tothe landlord.

1897(19thof Iyar, 5657): Eighty-two year old Solomon Solomon Nunes Carvalho, the nativeof Charleston, SC and husband of Sarah Miriam Carvalho passed away today inPleasantville, NY

1897(19thof Iyar, 5657): Thirty-eight-year-old Hetty Barret Levy, the Charleston borndaughter of Laura Louise Levy and Charles Ferdinand Levy passed away today inNew York City.

1898(29thof Iyar, 5658): Parashat Bamidbar

1898: InChicago, Fred and Hattie University gave birth to Cornell University graduateand President of the Chicago Board of Trade Richard Frederick Uhlmann, thehusband of Rosamond Goldman with whom he had three children – Audrey, Janis andFrederick

1898: WilliamO. Cohn began his service with the U.S. Navy

1898:Richmond residents Nathan Bernstein, Harry Bernstein, Isidore Cohen and JackFlegenhiemer were among those who joined the U.S. Military when federalgovernment began the process of mustering the 2nd Virginia VolunteerInfantry in the service of the United States.

1898: The willof Aaron Hershfield, which contained bequests to numerous Jewish charities wasexecuted today naming his son-in-law Daniel P. Hays and his sons Levi N. andMitchell Hershfield as executors.

1898: In NewYork City, Julius and Rose (Lipsh*tz) Hammer gave birth to businessman ArmandHammer the owner of Occidental Petroleum who was also an art collector andphilanthropist.

1899(12thof Sivan, 5659): Forty-nine year old Leopold S. Levy, a salesman who lived withhis wife on West 26th Streetpassed away today in the New York Hospital after having had his skull fractured “at hishome by a crowd of boisterous young men who struck him with a lobster and a tincan.”

1899: Mrs.Leopold S. Levy, the wife of the late Leopold S. Levy is in critical conditionat New York Hospital after having been brought there by a janitress at hertenement who thwarted her attempt to commit suicide by taking laudanum..

1899: Dr.Felix Adler is scheduled to officiate at the funeral of Julius Hirsch, a nativeof Germany who was a partner in the tobacco firm of Hirsch, Victorious &Co.

1899: TheHebrew Technical Institute was among the many organizations that endorsed theWomen’s Memorial presented to the just completed Peace Conference held in NewYork City.

1899: TheHebrew Free School Associated hosted the confirmation exercises today for the118 boys and girls who had completed the six year course of study.

1900(22ndof Iyar, 5660): After having irreparably damaged his health a year ago whilehelping to put out a fire at Virginia Tech, 19-year-old David Jacobs passedaway today at his parent’s home in Richmond.

1900: Herzlturns to Prime Minister Ernest von Koerber to intervene for the Rumanian Jewswho have no permission to cross the border to Austria.

1900:Anti-Semitic riots broke out in Stolp and Bütow

1901: Herzldictates the résumé "for the special benefit of the weak understanding ofHis Imperial Majesty of the Khalifate."

1901: InHarlem, Russian immigrant Hannah and Max Jaffe gave birth to the fourth andyoungest child, producer and agent Sam Jaffe.

1902(14thof Iyar, 5662): Pesach Sheni

1902:Birthdate of Mikhail Anatol Litvak, the native of Kiev and refugee from NaziGerman who gained as American filmmaker Anatole Litvak who directed severalfilms with future Oscar winner but whose finest cinematic moments may have beenthe making of a series of film warning of the Nazi menace and the “Why We Fight” series.

1903: During aconversation on this date, Dr. Cyrus Adler of the Smithsonian Institution,Secretary of the International Jewish Association, and editor of the JewishYear Book, discussed the massacre of Jews in Russia, including the officialutterances on the subject by Count Cassinf, the Russian Ambassador.

1904(7thof Sivan, 5664): Second day of Shavuot, Yizkor

1904: Herzlreturns to Vienna after an unsuccessful therapy in Franzensbad.

1905:Birthdate of grocery store owner Arnold Kohn, the native of Dobrovac (now partof Croatia) and Auschwitz survivor whose community work earned him the “Medalof the Socialist Alliance of Working People.”

1905:PresidentEdwin Wolfe presided over the “annual meeting of the Jewish Publication Societyof America” held this afternoon in the Assembly Hall of Keneseth Israel in Philadelphia.

1905(16thof Iyar, 5665): Seventy-eight-year-old German born St. Louis hat merchant JonasMeyberg, the husband of Emma Kornick Meyberg and the father of Bertha, Mitchel,Eugene, Jacob Aimee and Sadiess Meyberg passed away today after which he wasburied in the New Mount Sinia Cemetery.

1906: It wasreported today that the Y.M.H.A. whose employment bureau has filled 593 jobswill be lead by Directors Dr. Louis Fischer, Simon Gottschall, Kaufman Mandel,Julius Mayers, Rabbi F. De Sola Mendes, William Brager and Henry F. Toch forthe next three years.

1907: Theproprietors of the Marlborough-Blenheim Hotel in Atlantic City apologized toBertha Rayner Frank for her experience with anti-Jewish discrimination at theirhotel.

1907: InAmsterdam, Alexander Polak, violin builder and concertmaster of theConcertgebouw Orchestra, and Janet Kiek, who founded the first Home EconomicsBudget Bureau gave birth to Fred Polak “one of the founding fathers of futurestudies…best known for theorizing the central role of imagined alternativefutures in his classic work The Image of the Future.”

1908: It wasreported today the William Hammerstein, the son of Oscar Hammerstein “hasengaged the Kremo Family, the famous European acrobats to open at the RoofGarden on July 6” in what will be their first appearance in the United States.

1909:Birthdate of Guy Édouard Alphonse Paul de Rothschild the Parisian who was theson of Baron Édouard de Rothschild, who had headed the bank before Baron Guy,and the great-grandson of James, who founded the French branch of theRothschild empire in 1812 (As reported by Paul Lewis)

1910: It wasreported today that the American Jewish Committee has issued a stating that thevictims of the expulsions from Kiev and Moscow which have been ordered by theRussian government “will be driven into the already crowded cities of the Paleor forced to emigrate, the United States may expect a large” increase in the“immigration of Russian Jews within the next few months as the measures ofrepression concern not only Moscow and Kiev but practically all other citiesoutside he Pale in which Jews have been living, many of them for generations.”

1910:Birthdate of Luisa Kramer who became Luisa Abrahams when she married SirCharles Myer Abrahams.

1911(23rdof Iyar, 5671): Eighty-five-year-old Solomon Belais, the son of Rabbi AbrahamBelais and Naomi Belais and the husband of Jael Belais passed away in New York.

1912(5thof Sivan, 5672): Erev Shavuot

1912: DavidDefilipov, a chemist who was born in the Ukraine, immigrated to the UnitedStates at the beginning of the twentieth century and Sonia née Gerdstein, gavebirth to “singer, director, producer and impresario Edis De Philippe, whofounded the Israel National Opera Company in 1947 and ran it with an iron handuntil her death.” (Jewish Women’s Archives)

1913(14thof Iyar, 5673): Pesach Sheni

1913(14thof Iyar, 5673): Sixty-five year old merchant Herman Shwarz passed away today inNapa, CA.

1913: “Whilethe Fulton County Grand Jury was considering evidence of the murder of 14 yearold Mary Phagan today, disclosures showed that the case had become entangled ina local political fight involving the war that has been waged against Chief ofPolice Beavers.”

1913(14thof Iyar, 5673): Fifty-nine year old wholesale grocer Isaac Horner passed a waytoday in Chicago.

1914: InVilna, Mina Owczyńska,a Litvak actress from Švenčionys and Arieh-Leib Kacew abusinessman from Trakai gave birth to Roman Kacew who gained fame a novelistRomain Gary.

1914: “Thecharge of ‘ritual murder’ in connection with the killing last December 9 ofYoshel Pashkoff at Fastoff, 40 miles from Kiev, was abandoned today by thePublic Prosecutior” since “after investigation authorities decided that themurder was an ordinary crime.”

1915: RabbiLeventhal is scheduled to deliver a talk at the semi-annual examinations of theHebrew Free School in Camden, NJ.

1915: “JudgeArthur G. Powell, a former member of the State Court of Appeals” wrote toGovern Slaton and the Prison Commission declaring his conviction that Leo M.Frank did not murder Mary Phagan” and “as an intimate friend of the late JudgeRoan who presided at Frank’s Trial” asserted “that Judge Roan did not believeFrank was guilty.”

1915: SamuelSonnenschein who has been locked up in Ludlow Street Jail “because he could notpay a judgment for $169” was still a prisoner tonight despite “efforts” being“made by the United Hebrew Charities to get a surety bond for him.”

1915: As oftoday, “there are said to be several hundred petitions in circulation inAtlanta” and hundreds of others” in the rest of the state asking GovernorSlaton to commute Leo Frank’s death sentence

1916(18thof Iyar, 5676): Lag B’Omer

1916:Birthdate of Joseph Janni, the native of Milan who immigrated to England in1939 and after a brief internment on the Isle of Man began decades-long careeras a British movie producer.

1916:U. of Michigan trained attorney Arthur Marowitz, the Omaha born son of Harryand Anna Marowitz who served as the Director of the Assoc. Jewish Charities,the Secretary of the Jewish War Victims Relief committee and the organizer andpresident of the El Dorado Lodge of B’nai B’rith married Esther Epstein, themother of his son “Milton Harley.”

1916:“Histadrut Ibrith,” an organization dedicated to the “revival of the HebrewLanguage and Culture” was organized today with offices in New York City

1916:Birthdate of novelist Harold Robbins author of a series of bestsellersincluding Moneychangers, Carpetbaggers and Betsy.

1916: TheHebrew Sheltering Home was dedicated in Chicago, Illinois.

1916: TheJewish Home for the Aged was dedicated in New Haven, CT.

1916: TheCentral Jewish Institute was dedicated in New York City.

1917: Mr.Louis Marshal had come to Chicago to “address the War Sufferers’ mass meeting”spoke at luncheon at the Hotel La Salle sponsored by the Chicago Branch of theJewish Theological Seminary of America which was attended by Mrs. BenjaminDavis, Max Schulman, Nathan D. Kaplan, S.P. Platt, Nathan Shure and A.S. Roeamong others.

1917: InLondon, Solomon Kirsten, the husband of Sarah Kirsten with whom he had hadeight children was buried today at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery.”

1917: TheGreat Atlanta Fire destroyed over 300 acres and 2,000 homes in Georgia and theSouth’s leading metropolis. The fire was confined primarily to the city’sFourth Ward, which had a significant Jewish population on its north side.Following the fire Rich’s, the Jewish owned department store “assisted bereavedcustomers financially, even providing burial clothes for many of the victims”without regard to whom they were.

1918:According to the Provisional Executive Committee for General Zionist Affairs,the German People’s Party is pressuring the government to close “the oldfrontiers of Germany” to any Jewish settlers coming from Poland, Courland andLithuania, all of which have been occupied by the German Army during the courseof the World War.

1919(21stof Iyar, 5679): In Pittsburgh, Jacob Affelder, the husband of Kate Affelder andthe father of Minnie, Morris, Louis, Oscar, William and Harry Affelder passedaway today.

1920:“Mourning Turned to Thanksgiving in Jerusalem” published today reported that“the shofar was sounded in Jerusalem when the news of the restoration of theJewish National Homeland through Great Britain’s mandate over Palestine reachedthe Jewish quarter of the Holy City, the first time in 2,000 years of Jewishhistory that the trumpet of hope was ever heard outside of the ceremonies ofthe two most sacred Jewish holidays, the Day of Atonement and the New Year.”

1921(11thof Iyar): Author Akiva Fleischman passed away.

1921:“Hundreds of Ku Klux Klansmen marched through downtown Dallas, singing “OnwardChristian Soldiers” as they passed the Majestic Theatre” during a decade whenthe Jewish community feared for its physical well-being as this hood band ofrightwing bigots and racist exercised political power based on the same kind ofcoercion and nativism that would wash across the streets of Germany in the1930’s.

1921:Birthdate of New York art dealer and historian Louis Pollack.

1921:Birthdate of Harold Lane David, the son of Jewish immigrant who owned aBrooklyn delicatessen owner, later known as Hal David the award winninglyricist who created such musical questions as What’s it all about?,” “What’snew, puss*cat?,” “Do you know the way to San Jose?” and “What do you get whenyou fall in love?,” (As reported by Rob ho*rburger)

1921: LuigiLuzzatti, the scion of wealthy Vennitian Jewish family completed his service asMinister of the Treasury today.

1922:Birthdate of Eugene Harold Ehrlich, a self-educated lexicographer who wrote 40dictionaries, thesauruses and phrase books for the “extraordinarily literate,”not to mention people just hoping to sound that way. (As reported by DouglasMartin)

1923(6thof Sivan, 5683): Shavuot

1923: “Aren’tWe All?” a comedy featuring Leslie Howard premiered on Broadway today.

1923: For thefirst time (but not the last) Stanley Baldwin becomes Prime Minister of GreatBritain following the resignation of Arthur Bonar Law. Baldwin will serve in this capacity, off andone throughout the 1920’s and 1930’s. Heis viewed as one of those politicians who turned a blind eye to the rise ofHitler and Mussolini and thus helped to bring on World War II with all thatthat would mean for the Jewish people.On the other hand, in 1938, a year after he left office, Baldwin “led amajor appeal to provide financial assistance for Jewish refugees from Nazibrutality.”

1923: Seventy-five-year-oldFerdinand Esterhazy, the French officer who was the traitor selling secrets tothe Prussians – a crime for which Dreyfus was wrongfully convicted – diedtoday.

1924:University of Chicago students Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold, Jr. murdered14-year-old Bobby Franks in a "thrill killing." The two killers and their victim were allmembers of wealthy Jewish families.

1925: LordHerbert Charles Onslow Plumer is named High Commissioner in Palestine. Born in1857, Plumer had a long, distinguished career in the British Army. Heactually was one of the few competent commanding officers on the Western Frontduring World War I and was promoted to the rank of Field Marshall after theArmistice. The appointment to Palestine came when he was 68 and lasteduntil 1928. He proved to be a capable administrator who resisted Arabattempts to undermine the terms of the Mandate. The economic downturnthat occurred during his tenure was not of his making. He returned to Englandwhere he served in the House of Lords until his death in 1932.

1926: S. StanwoodMeken, the Jewish born son of Memphis clothier and “founder of the National SecurityLeague” an a convert to Christianity declared in an address tonight that thewinners of the National Oratorical Contest were “the future protectors ofAmerica.

1926: “DavidM. Bressler, Acting Chairman of the United Jewish Campaign, sent a messageyesterday, to the 1,500 workers to aim to put the $6,000,000 drive over the topby $250,000 by May 24.”

1927: NationalJewish Book is scheduled to begin today.

1927: On theday that Charles Lindbergh completed his trans-Atlantic flight, Jewishbusinessman and airplane enthusiast Charles Levin announced that his airplanewould fly farther on a $15,000 transatlantic flight challenge from America toGermany and carry a passenger.” Levine’splane had been sitting the hanger, grounded because of a court battle, whenLindbergh had taken off for Paris.Levine would accomplish his goal the following when he flew aboard theColumbia, as a passenger while Clarence Chamberlin was at the controls.

1928: InNewark, NJ, Dr. Ralph Shapiro and “the former Sylvia Smith, a reporter for theNewark News” gave birth to Dorthea Shapiro who gained fame as “art historianand critic” Dore Ashton. (As reported by William Grimes)

1928(2ndof Sivan, 5688): Sixty-seven-year-old British born American drama critic AlanDale, the husband of Carrie L Frost and father of Margaret Dale, who hadchanged his name from Alfred J. Cohen passed away today while traveling on atrain headed for his native Birmingham, England

1928: “Thefirst Pacific Coast Jewish Social Service Conference” under the chairmanship ofMrs. M.C. Sloss” opened this evening at Yosemite Valley, CA marking “the firsttime that representatives of all Jewish social service agencies” serving theentire Pacific coast from the border of Mexico to the border of Canada havegathered together.

1928: A dinnerhonoring Dr. H. Peretra Mendes was to have been held this evening. The dinner was postponed until October.

1928: TheHouse of Representatives is schedule to consider the Jenkins Bill which isdesigned to grant enlarged preference within thequota to the wives and children of aliens

1929:“The upbuilding of Palestine” is scheduled to be the topic of discussion attoday at the second session of the annual convention of the Union of OrthodoxRabbis of the United States and Canada being held in Belmar, NJ.

1929:Today the ballet Le Fils Prodigue premieredin Paris at the Théâtre Sarah-Bernhardt named “after the renowned actress SarahBernhardt, who produced there from 1899 for nearly two decades.”

1930: Racecar driver Woolf Barnato, the son of Fanny Bees and Barney Barnatotook delivery on “a streamlined fastback” known as the “Sportsman Coup” which“became known as the Blue Train Bentley.

1931(5thof Sivan, 5691): Erev Of Shavuot

1931:Today, “Bishop William T. Manning and Dr. S. Parkes Cadman joined in the appealfor help for the American joint distribution committee’s campaign for onemillion dollars for the relief of Jews in Eastern and Central Europe.

1932:U.S. premiere of “Attorney for the Defense” produced by Harry Cohn with ascript co-authored by Jo Swerling.

1932:“The Rich Are Always with Us” a romantic comedy produced by Samuel Bischoff wasreleased in the United States today.

1933: “An attack upon the treatment of Jews in Germany byChancellor Hitler and praise for Sir Eric Drummond, Secretary General of theLeague of Nations, for putting on the council's agenda a petition asking theabrogation in Upper Silesia of all Hitlerite anti-Semitic laws and regulationsfeatured the second day of the emergency session of the American JewishCongress being held here in Washington.

1934(7thof Sivan, 5694): Second Day of Shavuot

1934: The NewYork Council of Mizrachi Youth of America is scheduled to hold a Shavuotcelebration tonight at 224 Henry Street with proceeds going toward theHachshara farm, a Mizrachi training camp for Palestinian pioneers.

1934: U.S.premiere of “Murder at the Vanities” co-starring Kitty Carlisle.

1934: Dr. I.Mortimer Bloom is scheduled to deliver a sermon today entitled "Pilgrimsof Eternity" at Temple Oheb Sholom on West 93rd Street.

1934: RabbiMilton Steinberg is scheduled to deliver a sermon entitled "Time andReligion" at the Park Avenue Synagogue.

1934: Dr.Samuel Benjamin is scheduled to deliver a sermon entitled "Jews WithoutMemory;" at Congregation Hope of Israel in the Bronx.

1934: RabbiSolomon Reichman is scheduled to deliver a sermon entitled "Sinai-a Symbolof Israel" at the Bronx Y. M. and Y. W. H. A.

1934: RabbiRobert Gordis is scheduled to officiate at Yizkor services today at TempleBeth-El, Rockaway Park.

1934: RabbiHenry Fisher is schedule to deliver a sermon entitled “Belief and Practice” atCongregation Derech Emunoh.

1934: “Murderat the Vanities” a musical starring Kitty Carlisle was released in the UnitedStates today.

1935: “ReichsfuehrerAdolf Hitler decreed today an elastic universal military service law that giveshim virtually unlimited powers to draft for service all able-bodied non-JewishGerman men between the ages of 18 and 45.”

1936: A crowdof Arabs fired from the hilltops on a Jewish-operated bus coming from Tel Avivseriously wounding a Jewish man and girl.According to officials at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Hospital, dum-dum bulletshad been used by the Arab attackers.

1936: TwoBritish soldiers were wounded by Arabs when the Cameron Highlanders wereattacked 12 miles outside of Jerusalem as they attempted to restore order alongthe highway.

1936: It wasreported today, that in the wake of Arab attacks, “only 200 Jewish families outof a former total Jewish population of 5,000 remained in the Old City.”

1937(11thof Sivan, 5697): Seventy-two-year-old philanthropist Mrs. Reba C. MayBamberger, a former member of the NYC Board of Education passed away today.

1937: It wasreported today that Lord Melchett, British industrialist and chairman of theCouncil of the Jewish Agency in Palestine, declared at dinner sponsored by theUnited Palestine Appeal that Palestine was the only hope of millions of Jewsfacing mass destruction in Germany, Poland and other countries.

1938: In Poland, the ruling party adopted "13 articlespertaining to Jewish affairs," stating that the Jews are 'an element whichhinders the normal development of the forces of the Polish nation andstate."

1939: In acolumn published in Davar the pro-labor Hebrew language newspaper, DavidBen Gurion said of the White Paper, “This document is not the final word of theBritish people. This document meanwhileis only a proposal of their government.The conscience of Britain and the whole world still can be awakened.”[Ed. Note: This time B-G got it wrong]

1939: The British arrest the Irgunleadership, including Commander David Raziel. In February, 1938 theRevisionists under Jabotinsky had held a Zionist Congress in Prague. Theyrejected the notion that Jews could not settle on either side of the Jordan.More importantly, after two years of Arab violence they decided thattheJewish Agency’s policy of restraint was not working. The Irgunwas to respond to each act of Arab violence with force andalacrity. The increased tempo of attacks against the British andArabs must be viewed against the backdrop of the times: the worsening situationof the Jews in Europe, the issuance of the White Paper that would closePalestine to the Jews and guarantee a permanent Arab majority and the unabatedviolence of the Arabs. The Irgun and the Revisionists did not reflect themajority view of the Jewish population. Finally, in 1948, Ben Gurion tookmilitary action to bring the Irgun under control. Ironically, MenachemBegin, the leader of Irgun, would be the right wing politician who broke thehold of the Labor Zionists on the Israeli government.

1940: ChairmanWillem Vogt fired all Jewish employees at AVRO, the Dutch broadcasting company

1941: DutchSinger and Nazi collaborator Johan Heesters visited Dachau concentration camp.

1941:Acollaborationist group, NederlandseArbeids Dienst (Dutch Labor Service), is established in Holland.

1942(5th ofSivan, 5702):Erev Shavuot

1942(5thof Sivan, 5702):In Koritz, on the eve of Shavuot, 2,200 Jews were takento the edge of town and shot into pre-dug pits. The dead included the wife and13 year old daughter of Moshe Gildenman who was soon to become famous as thepartisan “Uncle (Dyadya) Misha”.Gildenman succeeded in escaping with his son, Simcha, and a few others with onepistol and five rounds of ammunition. His groups slowly grew in strength andwere eventually absorbed into Saburov’s brigade group. They were always knownas Uncle Misha’s Jewish groups. During the war, Gildenman received the Order ofthe Red Star and finished the war with his son in Berlin. After the war, hisson returned to Koretz and upon meeting the Ukrainian who killed his mother andsister - shot him.

1942:Release date for “Tortilla Flat co-starring Hedy Lammar and John Garfield,featuring Sheldon Leonard, with a script co-authored by Benjamin Glazer andmusic by Frank Loesser and Franz Waxman.

1943:Birthdate of CUNY philosophy professor Michael Levin, the husband of ProfessorMargarita Levin.

1943:Denise Madeline Bloch, the French Jewess who would be murdered at Ravensbruckbecause she an SOE agent, arrived in London after a twenty-two day trip acrossoccupied France.

1943(16th ofIyar, 5703): Three thousand Jews driven from Brody, Ukraine, to a waitingtransport train revolt, killing four Ukrainians and a few Germans. Many of theJews break free after being put on the train, only to be machine-gunned. Theremainder is killed upon arrival at the Majdanek death camp.

1943(16th ofIyar, 5703): Members of the Jewish community at Drogobych, Ukraine, areexterminated in the Bronica Forest

1944: The SS President Warfield, a packet steamerbuilt in the 1920’s to carry passengers and cargo between Norfolk and Baltimore(sheltered waters), was returned by the British so she could serve in the U.S.Navy. The Warfield would become famous as the SS Exodus.

1944(28thof Iyar, 5704): Forty-five year old WW I Marne veteran Errold Baum Lapowski,the Gainesville, TX born son of Nathan and Eva Lapowski, the husband of EleanorLapowski and the father of Jean and Emily Lapowski passed away today afterwhich he was buried at the Temple Mt. Sinai Cemetery in El Paso, TX.

1944(28thof Iyar, 5704): A day after her husband famed Austrian biologist Hans LeoPrzibram died at Theresienstadt, his wife Elizabeth committed suicide.

1944: TheGestapo imprisons all 260 Jews of Canea, Crete, at Rethymnon, Crete

1945: Membersof the Jewish Brigade posed for a photo with trucks from the Beriha Movement.

1945: Today,many liberated survivors continue to live at the Dachau concentration camp twoweeks after the end of the war.

1945: Germanwar criminal Heinrich Himmlerwas captured

1945: LaurenBacall (born Betty Pinsker) and Humphrey Bogartwere married. (She wasJewish; Bogy was not.)

1945: “Flightfrom Folly” a British musical filmed by cinematographer Otto Heller and withmusic by Benjamin Frankel was released in the United Kingdom today.

1946: One ofseveral post-war Hungarian pogroms took place today at Kunadaras where peasantsmurdered two Jews and wounded eighteen others.

1947: “WilliamGallacher, Communist member of the House of Commons, was ignored today during adiscussion of Palestine when he asked this question: "In view of the factthat the mandate laid it down that Palestine was to be provided as a home forthe Jews how then could there be such a thing as an 'illegal immigrant' ?"

1947:“Haganah, which has long been sitting on the sidelines merely watchingdevelopments, sent a punitive expedition tonight against Arab brigandsoperating against Jewish settlers in the Petah Tiqva area near TelAviv.(Editor’s note – Brigands, what nice word for terrorists.)

1948: For thesecond time in two days, the 53rd and 54th battalionsattacked the Egyptian-held fort of Iraq Suwayden which the British had handedover to Muslim Brotherhood as they departed Palestine. The irony is that the British had built thefort in the 1930’s to help quell the infamous Arab Revolt.

1948:Today, “at dawn the Golani staff reported that the enemy was repelled but thatthey were expecting another attack. The full report read:

‘Ourforces repelled yesterday a heavy attack of tanks, armored vehicles andinfantry that lasted about 8 hours. The attack was repelled by the brave standof our men, who used Molotov co*cktails and their hands against the tanks.3" mortars and heavy machinery took their toll on the enemy. Field cannonscaused a panicked retreat of the enemy, who yesterday left Tzemah. This morningour forces entered Tzemah and took a large amount of booty of French ammunitionand light artillery ammunition. We have captured 2 tanks and an armored vehicleof the enemy. The enemy is amassing large reinforcements. We are expecting arenewal of the attack.’”

1948: Haganahtroops returned to Tzemah today “and set up fortifications, the damaged tanksand armored cars were gathered and taken to the rear. The settlers returnedthat night to identify the bodies of their comrades in the fields and buriedthem in a common grave in Degania.”

1948: AbbaEban names Arthur Louie, Jacob Robinson, Moshe Tov, Michael Comay and GideonRafael as his alternates and advisers at the United Nations and names I.L. Keneas the delegation’s spokesman.

1948: Theformer American icebreaker USCGCNorthland became “the first warship of the Israeli Sea Corps” when it wascommissioned as the INS Eilat. The shipwould be renamed INS Matspen in 1957when it began serving as a barracks.

1948:“Egyptian dive-bombers struck at Tel Aviv four times today without, however,causing serious damage” while other “Egyptian planes, flying high on theirregular visits throughout the day, dropped clusters of small bombs on thecity’s fringe.”

1948: “In theSouth, Beit Eshel was shelled by the Egyptians and Yad Mordechai was a targetfor heavy infantry assaults” all of which were repulsed.

1949(22ndof Iyar, 5709): Parashat Behar Bechukotai

1949: Theoriginal Broadway run of Moss Hart’s “Light Up the Sky” today, for a total of214 performances

1949(22ndof Iyar, 5709): Forty-two-year-old Klaus Mann, the son of Thomas and Katia Mann(who was Jewish) passed away today.

1949: TheNational Geographic Society issued new maps of Europe and the Near East which show “Palestine partitioned into Israeland the Arab states.”

1950(5thof Sivan, 5710): Erev Shavuot

1950: “CairoRoad,” a crime film co-starring Laurence Harvey and featuring Abraham Sofaerwas released in the United Kingdom today.

1950: As asign that Israel was taking its place among the family of nations, thegovernment announced that Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett will meet with SouthAfrican Prime Minister Daniel F. Malan during his upcoming trip to the Africanstate.

1951:Birthdate of comedian turned U.S. Senator, Al Franken

1952(26th ofIyar, 5712): Actor and film star JohnGarfield passed away at the age of 39. Born Jacob Julius Garfinkle in New YorkCity, he was sent to a school for problem children after the early death of hismother. It was there that he was introduced to boxing and acting. He won ascholarship to an acting school hosted by Maria Ouspenskaya, and made hisBroadway debut in 1932. The play GoldenBoy that featured a young prize fighter was written for him, but he waspassed over for the role. He decided to leave Broadway and try his success inHollywood. He earned an Academy Award nomination for his role in the 1938 filmFour Daughters. He gained further fame as the handyman drifter in the PostmanRings Twice. He appeared in several war movies during WW II, usually playingthe part of the wisecracking enlisted man (once as the gunner on a B-17 andonce as a seaman aboard a sub) who sees the light and comes to understand whyAmerica was in the war. Garfield’s liberal politics brought him to the attentionof the McCarthyites during the Red Scare of the late 1940’s and 1950’s.He was forced to appear before the infamous House Un-American ActivitiesCommittee; an appearance which proved detrimental to his career

1952: During a meeting of HUAC a letter from LillianHellman was read that stated "I cannot and will not cute my conscience tofit this year's fashions..."

1953: TheJerusalem Post reported that upon his return to the U.S., Mr. John FosterDulles, the U.S. Secretary of State, expressed satisfaction from his first,recent visit to Israel, and recommended to his government a sizeable aid forthe country's quick development.

1953: TheJerusalem Post reported that two marauders who shot at an Israeli patrol inJerusalem's "Corridor" were killed in an exchange of fire.

1953: “ThePresident’s Lady” a biopic about President Andrew Jackson directed by HenryLevin, produced by Sol C. Siegel and with music by Alfred Newman was releasedin the United States today.

1953(7th ofSivan, 5713: Second Day of Shavuot

1954(18th ofIyar, 5714): Lag B'Omer

1955(29thof Iyar, 5715): Parashat Bamidbar

1956(11thof Sivan, 5716): Eighty-one year old Johns Hopkins graduate and Columbia LawSchool trained attorney Bernard M. Cone, the Baltimore born son of Herman MosesCone and Helen Guggenheimer Cone and the husband of Elain Wolf Cone who ownedseveral mills in North Carolina which in 1945 were “re-organized un ProximityManufacauring” and the in 1948 merged with Revlution cotton to form Cone Mills,Corp., “the largest producer of flannel in the world” passed away todayinGreensboro, NC after which he was buried in Cone Cemetery.”

1957:Birthdate of New York City native Seth Andrew Klarman the Cornell and HarvardBusiness School trained fund manager and billionaire and husband of BethSchultz Klarman who was one of a handful of Republican major donors who urgedtheir “comrades” to contribute to the Democrats because Donald Trump was unfitto be President.

1958:The Savanah Morning News published pictures of the nine-hour long fire atAdler’s Department Store which had been founded by Leopold Adler andsubsequently run by his son Sam G. Adler, the husband of Elinor Grunsfeld Adlerand his grandson Lee Adler, the husband of Emma Morel Adler and was the worstsuch conflagration to strike the city since 1899

1959: Gypsy amusical with music by Jule Styne, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, and a book byArthur Laurents opened at the Broadway Theatre for the first of 702performances.

1960: MarleneSanders, former ABC News and CBS News correspondent, and Jerome Toobin, a newsbroadcasting producer gave birth to Harvard University trained attorney JeffreyRoss Tobin, the author and CNN legal analyst.

1961(6thof Sivan, 5721): Shavuot

1961(6thof Sivan, 5721): Yiddish comedian Israel Shumacher who worked with ShimonDzigan passed away today.

1963:Birthdate of Richard Appel who tried to follow in the footsteps of his parents,Nina Appel the Dean of Loyola Law School and Alfred Appel who was a professorof literature at Northwestern. Appelgraduated from law school before turning to a life of writing and producingcomedy.

1965: Funeral servicesare scheduled to be held today at the Progressive Synagogue for seventy-six-year-oldCooper Union trained civil engineer Israel Orlian, the Lomza, Poland born sonof Shrma Zalkrud and Abraham Oliansky and the husband of Sophie Schmalowitz whowas a member of the Progressive Synagogue and a “founder of the Albert EinsteinCollege of Medicine at Yeshiva University.”

1966: InBoston, MA, Dr. Alvin Edelstein and his wife Bonnie gave birth to actress andplaywright Lisa Edelstein.

1968(23rdof Iyar, 5728): Sixty-one-year-old Lodz native and co-founder of kibbutz EinShemer, Zvi Lurie, one of the signers of the Israel’s Declaration of Independencewho had made Aliyah in 1924 and was a member of Hashomer Hatzair passed awaytoday.

1968: Lt.Governor Samuel Harvey Shapiro began serving as the 34th Governor ofIllinois when the incumbent “resigned to accept an appointment” as a federaljudge which made him the second Jew, after Henry Horner, to hold the post

1969: Israeliplanes shot down three Egyptian Mig 21s in the Suez Canal zone during whatwould become known as the War of Attrition.

1969: A groupof about 10 saboteurs was intercepted today near Nahal Argaman in the JordanValley. One saboteur was killed in a clash with an Israeli unit. Another waswounded and a third escaped and joined other members of the gang hiding incaves. After the area was surrounded, the saboteurs were ordered to surrender.Six gave themselves up and two who resisted were killed.

1969: RobertKennedy's murderer Sirhan Sirhan was sentenced to death. At the time, theJordanian youth said Kennedy had to die because of his support of Israel.

1973(19thof Iyar, 5733): Eighty-nine-year-old of New York City native and attorney EdwinChester Vogel, a partner in the firm of Elkus, Vogel, Gleason and Proskauer, aprominent art collector and a trustee of the Federation of JewishPhilanthropies and Mount Sinai Hospital passed away today.

1973: “Panelof Jewish Scholars Translating the Bible” published today described atwo-decades long project led by Dr. Harry M. Orlinsky to produce a new Englishtranslation of the Bible sponsored by the Jewish Publication Society within thenext two years.

1974:Elizabeth Holtzman, the youngest woman ever elected to the U.S. House ofRepresentatives, castigated the government for laxness in allowing Nazi warcriminals into the U.S.

1974(29thof Iyar, 5734): Eighty-three-year-old Hungarian figure skater Lily Kronbergerpassed away today.

1975(11thof Sivan, 5735): Eight-four year old movie producer Samuel Bischoff whosecareer spanned more than four decades from “Mixed Nuts” in 1922 to “TheStrangler” in 1964 passed away today.

1975: Whilecasting parts for “Network” Paddy Chayefsky wrote a “letter to Paul Newmanoffering him ‘any part in this picture you want’” -- an offer Newman turned down.

1977:"Fiddler on the Roof" closed at the Winter Garden Theatre in NYCafter 167 performances

1978(14thof Iyar, 5738): Pesach Sheni

1978: TheJerusalem Post reported that Israeli security men and French policemenkilled three gunmen who attacked the El Al desk at the Paris Orly airport. OneFrench policeman was killed in this Arab terror attack and three Frenchpassengers were wounded. Most El Al passengers were employees of a Frenchinsurance company, who later left to tour Israel.

1979: “Iran: ANational Still in Torment,” published today described the execution of HabibElghanian, a plastics manufacturer and the first Jew to be condemned who wasconvicted of spying for Israel, was said to have made huge investments inIsrael and to have solicited funds for the Israeli army, which the prosecutionclaimed made him an accomplice "in murderous air raids against innocentPalestinians." “The conviction of Elghanian caused concern among someJewish businessmen in Iran, who feared that they too could be charged withcontributing money to Israel.

1980(6thof Sivan, 5740: Shavuot

1980: Fourdays after premiering in Washington, D.C., “Star Wars Episode V: The EmpireStrikes Back” directed by Irvin Kershner was released in the United States.

1981: ABCbroadcast the final episode for season three of “Taxi” a series created byJames L. Brooks, Stan Daniels and Ed. Weinberger.

1982: In“Housing Surge Alters Borough Park,” Alan Oser described the five year growthin the Brooklyn neighborhood which he attributed to a steady expansion ofBorough Park's population of Orthodox Jews, about half of them Hasidim. Theyrequire large apartments for large families, and accommodations near synagoguesand denominational schools.” The articleprovides an interesting snapshot of the needs of this unique community.

1982: DeliaEphron married Jerome Kass.

1982: A weekafter having been summoned to “meet” with the KGB, Moscow refusenik and Hebrewteacher Pavel Abramovich was summoned to the KGB for a second time.

1982(28thof Iyar, 5742): Yom Yerushalayim

1983: DavidMark Rubenstein the co-found of The Carlyle Group married “Alice Rubenstein(née Alice Nicole Rogoff), founder of the Alaska House New York and the AlaskaNative Arts Foundation and owner of Alaska Dispatch News.”

1984(19thof Iyar, 5744): Sixty-six-year-old Manhattan born and NYU trained attorneyMeyer Drucker and husband of Pauline Drucker with whom he had three children –Elinor, Laura and Aaron – who was “an independent arbitrator for the buildingservice industry and other industries in the metropolitan area and formerexecutive secretary of the State Mediation Board, died of cancer” today.

1987: JamesLevine is scheduled to conduct the IPO as part of the orchestra’s 50thanniversary celebrations.

1988(5th ofSivan, 5748) Erev Shavuot

1988: Nationof Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is scheduled to address a dinner tonight hostedby a group calling itself "Concerned Citizens for New York," analliance of black businesspeople. The dinner is being held at Terrace in thePark, a kosher catering facility owned by Allen Sherel and Stanley Lewin. The owners agreed to rent the facility beforethey found out that Farrakhan was the speaker.The two Jewish owners promised to donate every penny they make from thedinner to Jewish charities.

1990(26thof Iyar, 5750): Sixty-two year old Morris “Mo” Levy, “owner of Roulette Recordsand the Birdland jazz club passed away today before he could begin serving aprison sentence after having been convicted of “conspiring to extort” inconnection with an investigation into mob involvement in the record industry.

1993: Anexhibition, at the International Monetary Fund Art Forum featuring the works ofFritz Ascher, came to a close today in Washington, DC.

1993:Birthdate of Arizona native and Barry University Laura Elizabeth the right wingwriter activist who was banned from the March 2019 Conservative PoliticalAction Conference (CPAC).

1994: Israelicommandos captured Shiite guerrilla leader Mustafa Dirani

1996: CNNbroadcast today’s public memorial service for Admiral Jeremy Michael Boorda,the 25th Chief of Naval Operations live from the National Cathedralin Washington, D.C.

1997: CBSbroadcast the final episode of “Wings” a sitcom co-starring Rebecca Schull.

1998: Jack Lewbegan serving his as Director of the Office of Management and Budget underPresident Clinton.

1999(6thof Sivan, 5759): Shavuot

1999: NBCbroadcast the final episode of seven season of “Homicide: Life on the Street:”which was based on David Simon's book Homicide: A Year on the KillingStreets

1999: U.S.premiere of “The Love Letter” featuring Sasha Spielberg as the “Girl withSparkler.”

2000: The New York Times featured reviews ofbooks by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including“The Advent of the Algorithm: The Idea That Rules the World” by DavidBerlinski.

2000(16thof Iyar, 5760): Ninety-six year old George Marshall, civil rights advocate andconservationist and son of Lewis Marshall passed away today. (Wiki erroneouslyreported this as having happened on May 15)

2001(28thof Iyar, 5761): Yom Yerushalayim

2001: Radiobroadcast of the annual Alfred Deakin Lecture; this year entitled "My Country – A Personal Journey"in which Robert Mamre describes what it is like for the son of Jewishimmigrants to grow up in an Australia that is considered Anglo-Celtic. Author and historianRobert Manne is the Associate Professor of Politics at La Trobe University, acolumnist for The Age, TheAustralian, the Sydney Morning Herald,and a regular commentator on ABC Radio and Television

2001: TheHouston Post reports that American Jewish Congress v. Bost would be heardin federal district court. American Jewish Congress v. Bost was anestablishment clause lawsuit concerning the separation of church and statebased on events that took place in Brenham, Texas. The case was the firstconstitutional challenge to a charitable choice contract. In the community ofBrenham, Texas, the American Jewish Congress and the Texas Civil Rights Projectfiled a lawsuit against a social services program that they believed used atax-funded jobs program to support religious practices that violated theseparation of church and state. Other accusations include use of funds toproselytize, purchase bibles, and coerce participants to "acceptJesus." The lawsuit went back andforth between state and federal courts and was twice appealed. In January of2003, the lawsuit that is believed to be the first constitutional challenge toa "charitable choice" contract, came to a conclusion. The case wasfinally dismissed "on the ground that there was no live controversy."

2002: “PrimeMinister Ariel Sharon fired ministers from the rigorously Orthodox Shas Partyfrom his cabinet tonight after they voted against an emergency economic packagein Parliament.”

2003: “NewYork University is using a gift of more than $3 million from the Henry andMarilyn Taub Foundation to form a research center for the study of modernIsrael. It will be called the Taub Center for Israel Studies and will be partof the university's Faculty of Arts and Sciences.”

2003: “IsraeliWho Loves Israel Listens, Sees and Weeps” published today provides a reviewDavid Grossman’s Death As A Way of Life.

2004(1stof Rosh Choesh Sivan 5764): Rosh Chodesh Sivan

2004: “Thecatchy show opening today at the Jewish Museum is the first big New Yorkretrospective of Amedeo Modigliani since 1951…” (As reported by MichaelKimmelman)

2004: “Arableaders gathering today for a summit meeting on Saturday and Sunday in thisNorth African capital are expected to issue a collective criticism of theUnited States for the abuse of Iraqi prisoners and what they view as the anemicAmerican effort toward ending the Arab-Israeli conflict.”

2005: In anarticle entitled “BioHazards,” New YorkBooks reviews “The History of Love” by Nicole Krauss. Krauss willingly talks about her second novelbut refuses to talk about her husband, the Jewish writer Jonathan Safran Foer.

2005(12 ofIyar, 5765): Eighty-six year old actor Stephen Elliot passed away.

2005(12thof Iyar, 5767): Ninety-one-year-old New York native Moe Frankel, the son ofMinnie and Sender Alexander Frankel passed away today in Hackensack, NJ.

2006: The New York Times featured reviews ofbooks by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers includingthe recently released paperback editions of “Any Place I Hang My Hat” by SusanIsaacs, “The History of Love” by Nicole Krauss and “Indecision” by BenjaminKunkel.

2006: Haaretz reported that author A.B.Yehoshua predicted that Diaspora Jews would move to China if it were to becomea world power. Dr. Avrum Ehrlich, aprofessor at the Center for Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies at the Universityof Shandong (China) says that this process is actually already under way. ‘TheJewish community in Hong Kong is thriving,’ he explains, ‘and there are atleast 300 Jews now living permanently in Beijing alone.’”

2006: Thefirst Sydney Jewish Writers’ Festival comes to an end.

2006: After109 performances, the curtain came down on a revival of Neil Simon’s Theatre atthe Cort Theatre.

2006: TheUnited Jewish Community/Jewish Federation of Las Vegas hosts its biggest andbest Yom Ha’Azma’ut festival at the Venetian Resort Hotel Casino and the JewishAgency arranged a variety of day-long activities to celebrate IsraelIndependence Day in downtown Budapest.

2007: The JCCin Manhattan presents a program entitled “Bernstein & Robbins: Dybbuk inMusic & Dance.” Jean-Pierre Frohlich, ballet master and former soloist withthe New York City, discusses his work with Robbins in staging the ballets andpresents several dancers performing excerpts from Dybbuk. Ellen Sorrin, director of The George Balanchine Trust andadvisory council member of The Jerome Robbins Trust, serves as moderator.

2007(4 Sivan5767): Shir-El Friedman is killed when a Hamas rocket struck vehicle near abakery next to shopping mall in Sderot. The35 year old woman was struck byshrapnel and succumbed to her injuries as she was being rushed to the hospital.

2007: MarkHelprin “was said to be shocked” by the negative response reported in today’sNew York Times to his op-ed piece “in which he argued that intellectualproperty rights should be assigned to an author or artist as far as Congresscould practically extend them.”

2008: AJHS hosts the 2008 Emma Lazarus Statue ofLiberty Award Dinner, commemorating the Jewish Chaplains who led survivors ofthe Holocaust fromDP camps to Israel and the US. Sid Lapidus will behonored for his deep commitment to the American Jewish Historical Society.

2008: Thefinals of the European Champions League, soccer’s most prized club competition,will have a decidedly Jewish flavor. Not on the field of the Loujniki stadiumin Moscow, where none of the 22 players of English teams Manchester United andChelsea will be Jewish — but on the sidelines. To wit, in the VIP lounge,Chelsea’s owner, Russian tycoon Roman Abramovich, will square off againstAmerican billionaire Malcolm Glazer, who bought Manchester United three yearsago. In addition, Chelsea’s coach is an unheralded 52-year-old Israeli by thename of Avram Grant. A discreet man with no reputation in the soccer world, hehas incurred a constant flow of criticism for his lack of knowledge and for thedefensive style of his team. But the mood has changed drastically. Grantmanaged to bring his club to the finals for the first time since Abramovichbegan spending millions in 2003 to build a contender, igniting a buying spreeof top soccer clubs in England by such likeminded moguls as Glazer, who alsoowns the Tampa Bay Buccaneers football team. Grant wears his Judaism on hissleeve — literally. In the semifinals game, he wore a yellow armband bearingthe Star of David to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day. After the victory, he tooka day off to travel to Auschwitz with his two teenage children to honor thememory of his father’s family. His father, Meir, now 80, lost his parents andfive of his six siblings while they were hiding in a Russian forest to escapethe Nazis. Now Grant is going back to Russia to become the first Israeli coachto win on the big European stage.

2008: In Jaffa, SystemAli plays on the roof of Mishkenot Ruth Daniel. Over the past year, SystemAli has been performing in different venues throughout Jaffa, Tel Aviv andbeyond, drawing impressive crowds whose diversity reflects that of theindividuals on stage.”

2008: The 92ndStreet Y presents “The Psychology of the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis.” Moises Salinas explores the way psychologicalfactors impede the peace process.

2008; JewishBraille International dinner was held at the Harmonie Club. “Founded in 1931 asthe Jewish Braille Institute by Leopold Dubov, the blind son of a rabbi, andRabbi Michael Aaronson, who had been blinded in World War I, today the JBIlibrary serves 35,000 individuals in 30 countries in eight languages — all atno charge.”

2009: MichaelSandel delivered the 2009 Reith Lectures on “A New Citizenship” today atOxford, UK.

2009: The Center for Jewish History and the LeoBaeck Institute presentedHappy Birthday, Felix: Music of FelixMendelssohn and His Contemporaries” with PhoenixChamber Ensemble performing rare arrangements of Felix Mendelssohn's Hebriden, op.26 and Ruy Blas, Op.95 Overtures and Symphony No.1 in C minor for 1piano-4 hands, violin and cello and Robert Schumann's 12 Four-Hand Piano Pieces for Small and Big Children, Op.85

2009: Writerand essayist Phillip Lopate discusses “Notes On Sontag,” his reflections on thelate Susan Sontag and her role as essayist, novelist and playwright, atPolitics and Prose Bookstore, in Washington, D.C.

2009: FredHochberg, the first son of Lillian Vernon and Samuel Hochberg “was sworn in”today as Chairman and President of the Export-Import Bank

2009: PrimeMinister Binyamin Netanyahu delivered a speech at Ammunition Hill in memory ofsoldiers who fell in the Six-Day War in 1967 in which he said, “Jerusalem wasalways ours, will always be ours, and will never again be divided.”

2009: The fourmen arrested last night in what the authorities said was a plot to bomb twosynagogues in the Bronx and shoot down military planes at an Air National Guardbase in Newburgh, N.Y. were petty criminals who appeared to be acting alone,not in concert with any terrorist organization, the New York City policecommissioner said today. The four men arrested are all Muslim, a lawenforcement official said. According to a police informant James Cromitie, oneof the four men who was arrested saidthat he was upset about the war in Afghanistan and that that he wantedto do “something to America.” and “the best target” — the World Trade Center —“was hit already.” According to the same informant the four men made statementsif “Jews were killed in this attack and that would be all right.”

2010: The 92ndSt Y schedules two events to celebrate Shabbat: in the morning a Shabbat Bakerywhere participants can bake their own Challah and a Shabbat Rooftop Dinner, anintergenerational family Shabbat dinner experience in a meaningful andwelcoming environment.

2010: MurielSiebert, the first woman to own a seat on the New York Stock Exchange, “washonored at Wagner College during the 123rd Graduation Ceremony today with anHonorary Doctorate.”

2010: As partof her Bat Mitzvah weekend at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, IA, ShannonWilliams and her family will be participating in Friday night services.

2011: “TheSource” directed by Radu Mihăileanu premiered in competition at the 2011 CannesFilm Festival

2011: The AJMFFestival is scheduled to host its Closing Night Party at Center Stage.

2011: KorinAlal and Eran Zur are scheduled to present a joint concert at the JCC on thePalisades in Tenafly, NJ.

2011: DefenseMinister Ehud Barak said today that the differences between Israel and theUnited States on the peace process are smaller than they seem. Barak said in aninterview with Channel 2 that "the meeting was less dramatic than itappeared." "I think that the Americans know well the nuances of ourpositions," Barak said. "I don’t think that the president's speechwas such a bad thing," he added. "I think it's good that the primeminister brought attention to the fact that we expect the recognition ofsettlement blocs and that we want the refugees to be absorbed within thePalestinian state. I don’t think that the president said it was necessary toreturn to the 1967 lines, but rather that we need to start the discussion basedon the 1967 borders."

2011: In“Harold Bloom: An Uncommon Reader,” Sam Tanenhaus reviewed The Anatomy as aWay of Life, the latest literary effort by 80 year Jewish man of lettersHarold Bloom.

2012: Inrecognition of Jewish American Heritage Month, the DC Public Library to presenta lecture entitled “Jewish Civil Life at a Time of Civil War: American Jewry inthe Mid-19th Century” during which Dr. Lauren Strauss, assistant professor ofHistory and Judaic Studies at the George Washington University, will discussthe Jewish-American experience before 1870, with a focus on the status of theJewish community in the decades surrounding the Civil War.

2012: In agreat example of “acts of loving kindness”, The Derfner Judaica Museum locatedat The Hebrew Home at Riverdale, Bronx, NY is scheduled to offer private grouptours for individuals with dementia and their family members or care partnersthat will focus on select highlights of this fascinating institution.

2012: TefillatHaShlah - the Shlah's Prayer should be recited today before sunset. The prayers was composed Isaiah Horowoitz, anoted 17th century rabbi who moved to Palestine in the 1620’s,living there until his death ten years later. “Rabbi Horwitz wrote that the eveof the first day of the Hebrew month of Sivan is the most auspicious time topray for the physical and spiritual welfare of one's children andgrandchildren, since Sivan was the month that the Torah was given to the Jewishpeople. He composed a special prayer to be said on this day, known as theTefillat HaShlah - the Shlah's Prayer”

2012: TheBuchmann-Mehta School of Music Symphony Orchestra under the direction of ZeevDorman is scheduled to perform at Carnegie Hall

2012: AaronSwartz delivered the keynote address at the F2C: Freedom to Connect 2012 eventin Washington, D.C. following the defeat of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).

2012: Israeliviolinist Vadim Gluzman is among those scheduled to perform at the GoodShepherd Church in New York.

2012: TheYellow Ticket with Alicia Svigals is scheduled to be the final performance atthe 13th Annual Washington Jewish Music Festival.

2013: The 7thindependent conference for the Hannah Arendt Circle sponsored by The Instituteof Jewish Studies and the Centre for Philosophy of Culture at the University ofAntwerp in Belgium is scheduled to come to an end.

2013: The IPOannual Young Leadership concert is scheduled to take place in Manhattan

2013: DuduFisher is scheduled to perform at the State Theatre in New Brunswick, NJ.

2013(12thof Sivan, 5773): Eighty-year old Leonard Marsh the founder of the SnappleBeverage Corporation passed away today.(As reported by Margalit Fox)

2013: EricGarcetti was elected Mayor of Los Angeles making him the first Jewish person tohold this position.

2013: DefenseMinister Moshe Yaalon and the IDF said today that Israel has destroyed anunspecified Syrian target after fire from the Syrian side of the Golan Heightsborder damaged an IDF vehicle

2013: As thedebate over the operating hours of the capital’s largest and newest(yet-toopen) movie complex Cinema City continues, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat –who launched his reelection campaign last week – said today he supports itsforced Shabbat closure.

2014: Today,at the 4th International Writers’ Festival, S.Y. Agnon is scheduledto be honored with “a series of events, including a visit to his home andlibrary in the neighborhood of Talpiot. The day’s events also include a writingjam with Eshkol Nevo and Orit Gidali, and one of the Writing Here, WritingThere conversations, this time between A. B. Yehoshua and Nicole Krauss.” (Asreported by Jessica Steinberg)

2014: Theopening reception for “The Hidden Passengers” organized by Avi Lubin isscheduled to begin this evening.

2014: “PopeFrancis will adhere to a policy of “total balance” regarding theIsraeli-Palestinian conflict, his close friend Rabbi Abraham Skorka said todayin Jerusalem, though he noted that Francis’s scheduled laying of a wreath atthe grave of Theodor Herzl would be “a meaningful act.” (As reported by Raphael Ahren)

2014:“Australian energy giant Woodside Petroleum pulled out of the massive Leviathangas joint venture off the coast of Israel — one of the largest deposits foundin the world.”

2014: Today,“the commander of the Israeli Air Force described a top-to-bottom change thathas led to a 400 percent increase in the IAF’s firepower over the past twoyears, drastically shortening the time it would take Israel to win a futurewar.” (As reported by Mitch Ginsburg)

2014: A courthearing is scheduled today for Rasmieh Yousef Odeh, associate director at theArab American Action Network in Chicago whose failure to disclose herconviction for killing two people with a bomb in Jerusalem in 1969 should leadto her deportation under U.S. Immigration law.

2015: The JewishHistorical Society of England is scheduled to host a lecture on Do Jews Believein Saints? A Medieval Rabbi and his Posthumous Travels by Lucia Raspe.

2015: ProfessorDavid Rechter is scheduled to deliver a lecture on “Trauma on the EasternFront: European Jews and the First World War: at the University of London

2015: TheAnti-Defamation League announced today that Lady Gaga had accepted its Making aDifference award for “work championing positive social change” through her BornThis Way Foundation.

2015: In “One ofearliest known copies of Ten Commandments sees the light of day” publishedtoday William Booth described the importance of“4Q41” and its rare public appearance the Israel Museum.

2016: The Eden-TamirMusic Center is scheduled to present “Sounds of the Flute in Ein Kerem – TheFrench Connection featuring Noam Buchman on the flute and pianist Pazit Gal.

2016(13th of Iyar, 5776): Shabbat Emor;

2017: The New York Times featured reviews ofbooks by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Hourglass: Time, Memory, Marriage by Dani Shapiro andan interview with actor Michael Tambor.

2017(25thof Iyar, 5777): In Cincinnati, graduation ceremonies are scheduled to takeplace at the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion

2017(25thof Iyar, 5777): “Shulamit “Shula” Cohen-Kishik, a spy for Israel’s Mossadintelligence agency who worked undercover in Lebanon for 14 years” passed awaytoday.

2017: Gilia Almagoris scheduled to perform her one-woman show “The Summer of Aviya” at theStreicker Center.

2017: Andres Roemer,“the Mexican diplomat who was removed from his ambassador position for walkingout an anti-Israel vote by a United Nations agency” is scheduled to “be awardedthe International Sephardic Leadership Awards at a ceremony at the Center forJewish History in New York.

2017: Chief Rabbi EphraimMirvis and Dayan Menachem Gelley, Rosh of the London Beth Din, walked thegrounds of a new United Synagogue cemetery in Bushy and buried a Torah scrollas part of the consecration of the £8 million site. (As reported by JewishNews)

2017: The JewishFederation of Houston is scheduled to present “The Big Gig” with Seth Meyers.

2017: “IsraelAerospace Industries (IAI), the nation’s largest aerospace and defense company,said today it has received an additional $630 million contract to supplylong-range surface-to-air missile (LRSAM) defense systems for four ships of theIndian navy.” (As reported by Shoshanna Solomon)

2017: Cantor AaronShifman, along with Joshua Nelson and Pey Dalid are scheduled to host “JoyfulSounds” the annual concert spring at B’nai Jeshurun Congregation in PepperPike, Ohio.

2017:The Cleveland History Center is scheduled to celebrate the completion of “theSoviet Jewish Oral History Collection, an archive at the Cleveland HistoryCenter of the Western Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland.”

2018(7thof Sivan, 5778): Second Day of Shavuot

2018(7thof Sivan, 5778): Eighty-seven-year-old Elaine Markson, the Brooklyn borndaughter of Catskill hotel owners Leon and Lilyan Kretchmar and the wife of“experimental novelist David Markson” who was one of “the first women to own aliterary agency” which she used “to further the careers of fledgling feministauthors” passed away today (As reported by Sam Roberts)

2018: Susan “Herbst announced that she wouldstep down from her role as president of the University of Connecticut when hercontract expired on July 1, 2019, but would remain on the faculty, teachingpolitical science at the Stamford campus.

2018:In Little Rock, the Arkansas Jewish Center under the leadership of RabbiPinchas Ciment is scheduled to offer a full day of holiday observance includingShacharis, Yizkor, Mussfa and a Kiddush followed by Mincha.

2019:JB and Yeshiva University Museum are scheduled to host “Child Separation andRefugee Crises From the Kindertransport to Today,” during which “Mark Hetfield, CEO of the HebrewImmigrant Aid Society, and Alex Aleinikoff, Director of the New School’sZolberg Institute on Migration & Mobility and the former UN Deputy HighCommissioner for Refugees, discuss the history of popular opposition torefugees and especially how it has impacted children, from the Kindertransportto the Trump Administration’s child separation policy.”

2019:In London, “the friends of the Rambam Medical Centre” are scheduled to present“the world pre-premier of ‘Rocketman’.”

2019:The Queen” The Forgotten Life Behind an American Myth by Josh Levin issscheduled to go on sale to the general public today.

2019:Rabbi Raphael Zarum, the holder of a PhD in theoretical physics and the Dean ofthe London School of Jewish Studies is scheduled to lecture this afternoon on“Neo-Assyrian Empire and Northern Kingdom of Israel.”

2020:Despite the fact that the Global Nação conference has been postponed The ASF Institute of Jewish Experience isscheduled to present “a glimpse intothe world of Western Sephardim through an academic perspective.”

2020:United with Israel is scheduled to host a “special webinar program today inhonor of Jerusalem Day.”

2020:The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host via zoom the onlyVarsity match that actually matters, as Oxford and Cambridge JSocs battle itout to be crowned the winner of Jewniversity Challenge!

2020:The AJHS is scheduled to host “Photographs of the Depression: a Jewish Angle” aVirtual Program Exploring The AJHS Photograph Collections.

2020:The Pozez JCC of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host and Les Bergen isscheduled to host on line “Jewish Washington: A Scrapbook of an AmericanCommunity” which provides a chronicle of the people, places, and events thatshaped the history of the Washington area's Jewish community from 1795 to thepresent,

2020:Millions of lovers of Sabra, “the official dip sponsor of the National FootballLeague” can celebrate Hummus Day which is not to be confused with “NationalHummus Day” by chowing on this marvelous culinary creation

2020:Yom Yershualayim Day is scheduled to begin at sundown.

2020:In a unique response to the Pandemic, Congregation Or Atid is scheduled to hostvia Zoom Rabbi Louis Polisson for bedtime songs and stories to help youngstershave a Lilah tov.

2020:Stanford Text Technologies, Stanford University Libraries is scheduled to host“The Cairo Genizah in the Digital Age: A Webinar with Marina Rustow.”

2021:In Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Temple Judea is scheduled to host Shabbat B’Yachadand Friday night services with Rabbi Feivel Strauss and Cantorial Soloist AbbieStrauss.

2021:In Columbus, OH, Tifereth Israel is scheduled to host an “Outdoor In-PersonShabbat Services and BYOP (Bring your own picnic) Dinner.”

2021:The Jewish Baby Network is scheduled to host a workshop about pregnancyrituals, labor and delivery, choosing a Hebrew/Jewish name, ceremonies andmore.

2021:Temple Emanu El is scheduled to host via Zoom a wine and cheese receptionbefore Friday night services.

2021:Pianist Orli Shaham is scheduled to return “to the Motor City for alive-streamed performance of Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 2 with the DetroitSymphony Orchestra.”

2021:Cinnabar Theater in Petaluma is scheduled to livestream “Becoming Dr. Ruth, “aplay about the origins of famous sex therapist Dr. Ruth, including her escapefrom the Nazis, losing family in the Holocaust and her journey to Palestine.

2021:A cease fire between Israel and Hamas is scheduled to go into effect early thismorning.

2022:In Los Altos, CA, Congregation Beth Am is schooled to host the “Silicon ValleyJewish Playwriting Contest during which “seven actors will read threeJewish-themed three plays, and audience members will vote for their favorite ina competition that spans the U.S., Israel and beyond.”

2022:Temple Sinai of Marblehead is scheduled to present “the Fat City Band atR&B Cafe

2022:In Petaluma, CA, the B’nai Israel Jewish Center is schooled to present StorytellerJoel ben Izzy shares some of his favorite Jewish tales from places such as TelAviv, Tokyo, Rome and Rwanda as [art pf the “End of Year Celebration.”

2022(20th of Iyar, 5782): Parshah Behar and Chapter 4 of Pirke Avot.

2023(1stof Sivan, 5783): Rosh Chodesh Sivan

2023:The Columbus Chapter of the Jewish War Veterans is scheduled to “replaceveterans’ graves.

2023:The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Cultural Center is scheduled to host a session ofThe Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window onBroadway!

2023:The JCC Chicago Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “ThePianist from Ramallah.”

2023:The Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduled to the “Jewish Gangsters WalkingTour.”

2023:The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including The Best Minds: A Story ofFriendship, Madness, and the Tragedy of Good Intentions by Jonathan Rosen

2023:As part of the Jewish American Heritage Month, the Institute of Jewish AmericanExperience is schedule to host the Global Celebration of Jewish Diversity.

2024:The Center for Jewish History and the Museum of Jewish Heritage are scheduledto present “a screening of WHITE NOISE followed by a panel conversation withdirector and journalist Daniel Lombroso, Gavriel D. Rosenfeld, President of theCenter for Jewish History and Professor of History at Fairfield University, andAnna Duensing, a historian specializing in evolving global politics of whitesupremacy across the twentieth century.”

2024:The Temple Emanue-El Streicker is scheduled to “welcomethe acerbic host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher upon thepublication of his new book, What This Comedian SaidWill Shock You, to speak about free speech, cops, drugs, race, religion,election 2024, the Ivy League, cancel culture and the elevation of sensitivityover truth.”

2024: The Weitzman national Museum of Jewish History is scheduleto a webinar on “From Telegram to Hyperlink: The ShneidermanLegacy with Ben Shneiderman.”

2024: The American Association of Jewish Lawyersand Jurists is scheduled to host a webinar “louis D. Brandeis: AmericanProphent.
2024: The Firehouse Theate in Kingston, WA is
scheduled to host a screening of “FarewellMister Hafman,” a film that tells the story of a Jewish jeweler trying tosurvive the Nazi occupation of Paris.

2024:As May 21st begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism sweeps theUnited States and the Hamas held hostages begin day228 in captivity. (Editor’snote: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are justproviding a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)

This Day, May 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.