Top 10 ways to get feedback as a Professional Speaker. (2024)

In all the different ways a speaker can get feedback, which way is the most valuable?

There are many ways for a professional speaker to get feedback, and in almost 20 years as a inspirational keynote speaker I have gotten loads and loads of feedback. So based on the different ways you can get feedback what is the most valuable?

Here is my top 10 list:


Other speakers.

It’s great to have other speakers from a conference give you feedback, they have spoken at the same conference, know the audience etc but let’s be honest: Most speakers will give “polite feedback” to not appear rude, or inte some cases hold back on the valuable feedback because they - wrongly - look at you as a competitors.

So take feedback from other speakers at the same convention with a grain of salt.


The Audience Right after a speech

It is easy to think that the most truthful and genuine feedback you can get as a speaker is from the audience members right after they heard you speak. I mean, the speech is after all given to the audience and what better way to ask them than right after they heard it, right?

But the feedback tends to be of the type: “Oh, I loved your speech!”, “Thank you for that inspirational speech” and “Oh, that was amazing!” etc.

In other words overly positive - but generally not very specific feedback.

As a speaker there is another reason why you might want to tell yourself that feedback right after a speech is the best and that is because the feedback you get then is usually very positive…

I do not look at comments right after a speech as feedback - but as praise. Nice to get but not very valuable in becoming better.


Social Media

Same thing as “Audience right after a speech” when it comes to positive feedback (ie feedback generally too generic). But also a big chance/risk that the negative feedback is irrelevant, or not really representative of what the audience thought. (Social media can be nasty but nasty comments are generally not what the average person thought about something but written by “trolls” who are rare, but angry beings…)



Even if speakers often do not have big staff they often work very closely with some kind of partner (often, as with me, that partner is the life partner of the speaker.) My wife, bless her, has spent endless hours over the years listening to me share my concerns, issues, and ideas.

The good thing with partners is that often know us better than we know ourselves so they can tell us things that are really true but that we can not tell ourselves because we can not see it.



As speakers we tend to spend a lot of time evaluating ourselves. (I would say speakers (at least GOOD speakers) are their toughest critiques, not many professions will film their own performance and look at it to see how they can become better, but speakers regularly do.)

We are good at feeling when something did not go well, what we did wrong and when something worked. We are less good at seeing what we could have done instead. So for really break through improvements just evaluating yourself is not enough.



Any serious professional speaker has a network of other speakers he/she can use to check new content, debrief speaking experiences with and discuss business decisions. I will often call one of my speaker buddies to de-brief what went well, what went badly, what I could have done better etc. A good speaker buddy should be like a best friend: give you honest raw and brutal feedback - but with love.

The bonus with this kind of feedback is that you often learn as much from listening to another speaker as you do from getting their feedback on yours.



Voice coaches, storytelling coaches, presentations skills coaches etc. They all have unique skills on how to make a speech better. If you have the chance to get feedback from experts, do it. They will very likely take your speech to the next level. The downside is that sometimes they might focus on the skills they are good at and miss the overall idea that you have. But use experts, it makes you better.

(For 4-6 all of these feedback versions become much more valuable if they are done by evaluating you on a video.)

3:Audience feedback

What the audience writes in the evaluation forms is gold. The rating (1-5 or 1-10 etc) is valuable, but the real gold is in the comments. One good thing with evaluation forms is the the people writing them usually do not think the speaker will get to read them (they think they are writing to the client) so the comments will be honest, real and uncensored.

Same with emails that people write you a few days after the speech. in emails like that you will get information about how you actually changed a persons life.


The clients.

As speakers we are giving our speech not only to the audience, but also to the client. Sometimes the client might have asked you to, for example, provoke the audience to think in new ways. In that case the audience might not love the speech (because they got challenged) but the client will love it. Other times the client is asking the speaker to deliver a uncomfortable message to the group because the client doesn’t want to deliver it him/herself. In cases like that the evaluation forms might show a result that is more negative than what the client thinks, since the audience doesn’t know what the brief was.

Since the client is actually the one giving you the brief and booking you, the feedback from the client is one that really knows what you were booked to do.

The downside is that clients sometimes will give you a more “polished” feedback than what they really think. A good way to get more real feedback from clients is to have your assistant/partner call to get the feedback.

Which leads us to number 1.


Speaker Bureaus (or event managers):

On Friday I had the privilege to speak to all the employees of adidas in Guangzhou. But I also had the privilege to spend a few hours with Priscilla Chan of Speakers Connect, the speaker bureau that gave me the booking.

Over dinners, coffee - and on the train back from the booking - Priscilla gave me advise not only on my speech, but other relevant things from everything from my mindset, my future speaking career, the latest trends she sees and many, many other things.

I learnt a lot from those conversations with Priscilla on this trip.

The bureau is as updated on the brief as the speaker/client, but also has an “external” view on the assignment. This makes the bureau unique in being able to be objective yet very initiated.

Top 10 ways to get feedback as a Professional Speaker. (1)

Conclusion: Of course the best feedback alternative is a combination of all the ten above. The important thing is to eat as much feedback as you possibly can.

Sometimes it hurts.

Sometimes it makes you glow.

Sometimes you get very little out of it.

Sometimes you get a lot

Sometimes you totally agree.

Sometimes you do not agree at all.

But every single time you get feedback you will learn. And when we learn we become better.

Feel free to give feedback on this text :)

Top 10 ways to get feedback as a Professional Speaker. (2024)


How do I get feedback on my speaking skills? ›

How to get feedback on speeches
  1. Find a trusted friend or colleague. ...
  2. Ask that person in advance. ...
  3. Be specific about the kind of feedback you'd like. ...
  4. Ask for feedback immediately after the event. ...
  5. Listen to the feedback without judgment and write it down. ...
  6. Do your own debrief as well.
Mar 24, 2017

How do you become a well known speaker? ›

However, there are six key steps to becoming a professional speaker that are universally true.
  1. Define your messaging. ...
  2. Craft your promise statement. ...
  3. Build your personal brand. ...
  4. Maintain a social media presence. ...
  5. Start speaking locally for free. ...
  6. Work your way up, in speaking fees and reputation!

What advice would you give to make the speaker more effective? ›

Keep the focus on the audience. Gauge their reactions, adjust your message, and stay flexible. Delivering a canned speech will guarantee that you lose the attention of or confuse even the most devoted listeners.

How can I improve my speaking professionally? ›

How to Become a Better Public Speaker
  1. Study Great Public Speakers.
  2. Relax Your Body Language.
  3. Practice Voice and Breath Control.
  4. Prepare Talking Points.
  5. Know Your Audience.
  6. Add a Visual Aid.
  7. Rehearse.
  8. Record Your Speeches.

How can I get better feedback? ›

Show them that your requests for criticism are genuine and that you sincerely appreciate it when they say what they think. Keep asking for criticism regularly. Try different approaches, venues, and situations. Whatever you do, don't accept an environment where you aren't getting the feedback you need to be successful.

What are the 10 characteristics of a good speaker? ›

Top 10 Characteristics of Effective Public Speakers
  • Confidence. Confidence tops the list of qualities that contribute to a successful presentation. ...
  • Storytelling skills. ...
  • Conciseness. ...
  • Varied delivery. ...
  • Knowledge of audience. ...
  • Authenticity. ...
  • Passionate delivery. ...
  • Self-Awareness and continuous self-improvement.
Feb 4, 2022

What makes a powerful speaker? ›

They Deliver Unique Messages and Ideas.

Giving them a fresh perspective and a unique message can make your entire talk seem more empowering and impactful. One of the easiest ways to deliver a unique and powerful message while speaking in public is to just stay true to yourself and your beliefs.

What makes a speaker look respected? ›

Communication scholar Stephen Lucas says that speaker credibility is affected most by two factors: Competence: How the audience views your intelligence, knowledge, and expertise on the subject you are speaking about. Character: How the audience views your concern for them, sincerity, and trustworthiness.

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There are three keys to public speaking: ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is achieved when the speaker is convincingly credible.

How do you become a gifted speaker? ›

How to be a good speaker in public
  1. Learn about your topic. ...
  2. Know your audience. ...
  3. Practice in accurate conditions. ...
  4. Use notes during your speech. ...
  5. Incorporate audio or visual aids. ...
  6. Pay attention to your body language. ...
  7. Record your speeches and watch them.
Feb 3, 2023

How do you become a highly paid speaker? ›

  1. Invest in your personal brand materials.
  2. Build your expertise in a focus industry or two.
  3. Create content to share your industry insights.
  4. Network as much as possible with industry leaders.
  5. Connect with your audiences in person and online.
  6. Make the results of your speeches public.

What are the 5 P's of public speaking? ›

In this article, we will discuss the 5Ps of Public Speaking – Planning, Preparation, Practice, Performance and Passion + three additonal Ps. By following these principles, you can deliver an impactful speech that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

What are the 7 P's of public speaking? ›

The 7P's are pronunciation, pace, pause, punch, power, passion, and posture.

What are the 5 techniques in public speaking? ›

Let's recap: here are Nicole's five most powerful public speaking tips to help you crush your next class presentation or business engagement.
  • Know your audience. ...
  • Prepare, prepare, prepare. ...
  • Own the space. ...
  • Be confident. ...
  • Enjoy yourself.

What defines a great speaker? ›

A good speaker makes you feel they're talking directly to you even though dozens or maybe hundreds of thousands are watching. To me, that's charisma, that's the recipe for being a confident communicator. Confident communicators connect to others through words, gestures, and voice.

Are they 7 principles of speaking? ›

The author makes frequent use of real-life examples from his own career to illustrate each principle--Perception, Perfection, Visualization, Discipline, Description, Inspiration, and Anticipation--in its own chapter.

What are the three essential qualities of a speaker? ›

5 Qualities of an Effective Speaker
  • Confidence. Confidence is huge when it comes to public speaking. ...
  • Passion. Why would an audience want to hear about your story if you yourself don't seem passionate about it? ...
  • Ability to be succinct. ...
  • Ability to tell a story. ...
  • Audience awareness.
Feb 13, 2016

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.